Fictional characters become so interesting in literature. The two most common characters are the protagonist and the antagonist. They are the highlighters of the story. Protagonist characters are those who play the chief part of the story. While the antagonist are those characters who oppose the work and plan of the protagonist. These characters have different personalities and may also have different personality type.
Personality is a unique behavior of individual. This includes attitudes, modes of thought, feelings, impulses, strivings, and actions, responses to opportunity and stress and everyday modes of interacting with others. …show more content…
She learned that she was pregnant and began to suffer from some symptoms of depression three months after this marriage. In 1885, after the birth of her daughter, she became overwhelmed with depression and began treatment of nervous disorders. In 1892, she satirized the treatment in “The Yellow Wallpaper”, and published it. This was done when she was unable to tolerate the treatment for few months. And in 1899, she got divorced and separated from her husband and moved to California. She sends her daughter to her husband and to his new wife. During her time in California she became active in social reform, particularly in the suffrage movement. In 1890, she began to write and published fifteen essays, numerous poems and novels. In 1893, her first volume of poems first brought her public recognition from a literacy perspective was “In This World”. In 1898, her book “Women and Economics” won her international recognition. During 1900, she married her first cousin and the marriage was successful than the first, she continue to write works. She then began to write her autobiography in …show more content…
She attended the Thomas School in San Antonio in 1904-1905. She ran away from a New Orleans convent at sixteen and married the first of her four husbands on which the parents of her husband was not pleased on their union. They got divorce after nine years because of indifferent of her religion and her husband was not interested in literature or other arts. After divorce she contracted tuberculosis and decided to become a writer during her recovery. Porter worked as a journalist and a teacher in Mexico. She became involved in revolut6ionary