c. These new depositories were selected partly because of their pro-Jackson sympathies, but in general, they were not nearly as weak as pictured by the president’s enemies…
Jackson’s sweeping presidential victory in 1828 represented the political triumph of the New Democracy, including the spoils-rich political machines that thrived in the new environment. Jackson’s simple, popular ideas and rough-hewn style reinforced the growing belief that any ordinary person could hold public office. The “Tariff of Abominations” and the…
liberty, but instead they strived to suppress New England, the Whig party, and business interests…
Jacksonian democracy is the political philosophy of United States President Andrew Jackson and his supporters. Jackson's policies followed the era of Jeffersonian democracy which dominated the previous political era. Prior to and during Jackson's time as President, his supporters (the beginnings of the modern Democratic Party) were resisted by the rival Adams and Anti-Jacksonian factions, which later gave rise to the Whigs. More broadly, the term refers to the period of the Second Party System (mid 1830s-1854) when Jacksonian philosophy was ascendant as well as the spirit of that era. It can be contrasted with the characteristics of Jeffersonian democracy. Jackson's equal political policy became known as Jacksonian Democracy, subsequent to…
The Age of Jackson by Arthur Schlesinger Jr. is a book that is best described as a history of ideas, and particularly of the idea of democracy as it expanded in the 1830s and 1840s, embracing universal suffrage and economic as well as political egalitarianism. The book very much reflects the time in which it was written and the debates which it was part of, and, like much history of the period, seeks to refocus discussion of American history away from themes of frontier and nationalism.…
Analyze the extent of Jackson’s economic policies and changes in electoral politics influencing the development of democracy between 1820-1840.…
The years between 1829 and 1837 have been called "Age of Jacksonian Democracy" as well as "The Era of the Common Man." However, these titles were not necessarily correct as America was far from a democracy; women could not vote and were still inferior to men, free blacks were still considered below white citizens, and slavery was growing in the south. Jackson was a highly controversial president, for good reason due to his massacre of thousands, but was actually a great American and president who attempted to protect individual liberty, the Constitution, political democracy, and promote equality of economic opportunity.…
The Jacksonian democracy of the 1820s-1830s is often associated with an expansion of the political influence, economic opportunities, and social equality available to “the common man,” a concept of the masses which President Andrew Jackson and his newly founded Democratic party came to represent. The new administration certainly saw gains for the majority; namely, public participation in government increased to unprecedented levels, and several economic decisions were made to favor the people over monopolies. Beginning with their exaggerated portrayal of the “corrupt” 1824 election however, the Jacksonian democrats also left a legacy of substantial miscalculations in policies and acts of hypocrisy that conflicted with their claimed intents to promote and protect popular democracy. In particular, the dangerous implications of various political and economic policies, along with the deliberate disregard of social inequality, are aspects of the Jacksonian age that most clearly demonstrate discrepancies between Jacksonian ideals and realities.…
The presidential election of 1828 brought a major victory for Andrew Jackson, and this election brought forth a social experiment started by the American Revolution. Economic, religious, and geographic changes reformed the nation in important ways and made way for even more opportunities for the future. Jacksonian democracy encouraged the strength of the executive branch at Congress’ expense, and also sought to broaden the public’s government participation. They were opposed by the Whigs. These two political parties arose from Jackson’s presidency, both of which held support in all parts of the country.…
Andrew Jackson became a ranked representative figure to a great extent by his praise from the common men, the contempt he received from the Whigs, and his personal viewpoints on social and political matters.…
I agree with the Jacksonian Democrats on the topic of Political Democracy. As Andrew Jackson points out in Document B, "It is easy to conceive that great evils to our country and its institutions might flow from such a concentration of power in the hands of a few men irresponsible to the people" and further more, "It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their selfish purposes.". He was criticized for his own actions by Daniel Webster in Document C, where he called him hypocritical and irresponsible. Webster claimed that Jackson was bad for the country and was not satisfying the needs of the majority. However, this is less fact, as it is pure criticism by Webster, one of Jackson's biggest critics. In spite of these claims of power abuse, Jackson used a system of rotation of office to keep the members of equal power. Regardless of Jackson's efforts to give power to the people, "the grand question of the time was 'whether the people should be encouraged to govern themselves, or whether the wise should save them from themselves.'" As stated in Document D. Political Democracy was a priority for Andrew Jackson and he successfully established a government to protect it.…
In “The Jacksonian Revolution,” author Robert V. Remini discussed the Jacksonian presidency and his effect on politics in the United States. Between the 1820s and 1840s, the country witnessed a rise of universal suffrage for whites, long ballots, national nominating, and grassroots political parties. This time period was considered a revolution to some people. In “The Jacksonian Revolution,” Remini displayed how throughout the time there was a rise of democracy, a rise of the common man, and increase in the separation of political parties or the two-party system.…
It is agreeable that the Jacksonian Democrats perceived themselves as strict guardians of the United States Constitution. It is not agreeable with how they went about preserving the political democracy, individual liberty, and equality of economic opportunity they stood for. While trying to create this balance, Jackson used tactics favorable only to his opinion. Jackson's main idea was to rid of aristocracy, giving the power to the poorer classes, standing against rich white men. The flaw in their scheme was that the people who came up with this idea were all rich white men.…
When Jackson came to power in 1829 he promised much, advocating equality, democratic change, morality in government and true representation. However Jackson's success or failure as a president is shown by what he actually did. The thesis of this essay is that despite the variety of issues faced by Jackson he didn't actually bring about much change. This could be interpreted as failure but his legacy as a strong president, as a symbol of US democracy, and also the devotion of the people to him, does perhaps counter the failings. Failure might constitute not meeting one's promises but Jackson's ambiguity and inconsistency on many issues make it hard to judge his performance. I would not say he was completely successful or unsuccessful but rather advocate a mixture of both.…
Even though Sellers focused largely on the debate over Jacksonian Democracy, there was no mention in regards to equality and slavery. Luckily, Kenneth Vickery’s “Herrenvolk Democracy and Egalitarianism in South Africa and the U.S. South” provided more insight. According to his thesis, Vickery said that during the Jacksonian era, “where there was progress towards democracy or equality for whites, there was frequently a diminution or limitation of the rights and opportunities of non-whites”. His argument was that when it came to failure and survival, whites relied on racial prejudices to further their own upward mobility. As mentioned in Seller’s work, in the early 1800s, politics was controlled by the egalitarians and local legislatures were…