In this case, I would like to deal with the aspects of the change. The first thing is requirements of change. It is necessary to highlight the management powers to gather support and provide fruitful communication with all individuals involved in the process. A change leader is motivated by a lot of powers …show more content…
The Trust board decided that someone was needed to drive the process to improve the performance of the admission –to- discharge chain. The authority power represented by the Chief Executive chose Tracy Burns, the Executive Director of Nursing to take the lead. (See Appendix …show more content…
Supported by the legitimate power, given to her by the top authority, looked in the situation from the point of view of “a professional caregiver’s gut” she expressed herself: “I was trying to put myself in the patient’s position, having to spend 12 hours on a trolley in an A & E department. She added: “we can make a change to that now by just moving some of the systems”.
Furthermore, her new responsibility encouraged her to make a change in the system by extending the role of nurses in an environment dominated by physicians. So, she tried to attract the cooperation of an important sector in the organization. This implies her social trend to motivate her systematic approach for the change process.
The first practical step to be taken was patient discharge which would start at the preadmission stage. Owing to her personal abilities and the accumulated experience in managing nursing services, Burns was fully aware of the problem and the best strategy to overcome the obstacles that hindered the process. So her plan was to introduce nurse-led discharges. This step required preparation for the skilful personnel’s who would take part in the