Cesar Chavez, up until his death, dedicated his life to making certain that farm workers received better treatment, respect, dignity, justice, and fairness, and spoke fiercely for his …show more content…
Chavez secured raises, and improved conditions for farm workers in California, Texas, Arizona, and Florida, even despite tension that lingered revolving around another union, the Teamsters, and legal barriers. He raised attention to his cause via boycotts, marches, and hunger strikes to bring further support to his passion of helping farm workers. The late Senator Robert F. Kennedy proclaimed Chavez was “One of the heroic figures of our time.” He was praised and admired for his nonviolent ways of seeking justice, which included Chavez' twenty-five day fast to rededicate and recommit his self to the struggle for justice. Chavez also had established the first comprehensive union medical benefits for farm workers and their families through a joint union-employer health and welfare fund, the Robert F Kennedy Medical Plan, which paid out more than $250 million in benefits, later including dental and