Scene one
Central Developments: 1. This is a pivotal scene in the play. From this point forward the action accelerates toward the catastrophe surrounding the tragedy of Romeo & Juliet’s death. 2. The scene opens with the fateful meeting in the street of Tybalt and Mercutio. Each of these characters are hot-headed and ready for a fight. 3. Benvolio again attempts to be a peace maker but is ineffective. 4. Romeo does not want to become involved in a fight with Tybalt because they are now kinsman. 5. Romeo’s fateful intervention allows Tybalt to mortally wound Mercutio. 6. In response to Mercutio’s death Romeo feels guilty and ashamed because he did not fight for his family’s …show more content…
Romeo’s happy premonition has a double meaning; Romeo is joyful, but the dark ending of the play is also foreshadowed. 2. Romeo challenges fate. He defies the stars and declares he will not wait for them to dictate events. He decides to make his own choices. 3. Fate, chance, and human responsibility form a complicated web here. a. Is it fate or chance that Balthasar does not bring Romeo the letter from the Friar explaining their plan? b. Is it fate or chance that the Apothecary is so close and poor that Romeo can persuade him to sell poison regardless of the laws against it? c. How much does Romeo’s decision to spare no time is joining Juliet in the grave accelerate the tragedy? 4. Romeo determines to sacrifice his life for his love. Elements of the tragic hero emerge. 5. The Apothecary, like Romeo and Juliet, is an outcast. Romeo sympathizes with him and criticizes that material world for its values and its lack of love.
Themes: fate vs. human choice, tragic hero, sacrifice, the role of chance
Important Quotes: