1. Insightful - Jim Casy, although he quits his job as a preacher, remains extremely insightful up until his death. The Bible explains that some men are sinners and destined for Hell while others are holy and will end up going to Heaven after they die. Casy spends time on his own pondering his faith and creating his own ideas. He realizes that all humans make up one greater spirit. Instead of focusing on their own well-being and only doing things in order to benefit themselves, Casy reveals that human beings must unite and work with one another to achieve a common goal. Jim Casy works hard to spread his insights on life with others.
Quote 1: As Tom Joad said on page 418, "One time he [Jim Casy] went out in the wilderness to find his soul, an' he foun' he jus' got a little piece of a great big soul."
Quote 2: “Maybe there ain't no sin and there ain't no virtue, they's just what people does. Some things folks do is nice and some ain't so nice, and that's all any man's got a right to say.” (26)
2. Generous - Jim Casy was a well-respected preacher that many members of his community turned to in order to gain spiritual guidance. Most preachers request that those listening to them offer up donations to them for their work. However, Casy refuses to receive money from the people that attend his preaches. Although Casy is not wealthy and has little money, he is extremely generous by not taking any money from others that may need it more than he does. This allows anybody access to Casy’s talks no matter what financial situation they are in.
Quote 1: "I brang Jesus to your folks for a long time, an' I never took up a collection nor nothin' but a bite to eat." (27) – Jim Casy
Quote 2: “Wherever they’s a fight so hungry people can eat, I’ll be there. Wherever they’s a cop beatin’ up a guy, I’ll be there. If Casy knowed, why, I’ll be in the way guys yell when they’re mad an’—I’ll be in the way kids laugh when they’re hungry n’ they