In my opinion, Whistle blowing will not work in Malaysia. From the passage, this is due to several reason.
Firstly is due to culture, culture is where a group of people believe and behave the same way as it is. From this case, Malaysia's culture is to prefer to keep things their own secretly. Basically they just dont want to review what is happening and just keep quiet and act nothing which is also known as open 1 eye close 1 eye basis. Just like in an office, many of them just prefer to keep quiet even bad things are happening, they just don’t want to get involve and end up being boycott or something else.
Secondly is the fraud and corruption occurring whenever people exist in both private and public sector. In Malaysia, corruption is all over places. Many people gather up to do the same thing and they share all the benefits, so whistle blowing is not going to work as people are gathering up for something where all got benefits. Just like traffic police, they bribe for not issuing summons. Besides, media has also been bribe to provide false information to make fake news and information to the public to keep their reputation. This is mostly done by the government.
Thirdly is due to time consuming and costly to manage. Due to too many corruption and bribe occur in Malaysia, to emphasize whistle blowing in Malaysia, it needs a lot of time and cost to see a great result. In Malaysia, it is not easy to convince people to whistle blow. Sometimes benefit from bribe and corruptions are more from whistle blowing reward. So many people would not corporate.
Forth is the whistle blower will feel uncomfortable, guilty and afraid? Whistle blowing mainly is to reveal wrong doing of others and backstab people from doing something unethical. Due to this, they will feel uncomfortable by pointing somebody else out. Example like, a manager is very good to the