Asperger’s in the General Educational Classroom Elizabeth Addington Durgin George Mason University
At a training session in Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) on Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), statistics were shared of the number of students in the school system with an ASD diagnosis. It has become the third most common childhood illness. In the LCPS 10.6% of Individualized Education Programs (IEP) are dedicated to students with Autism (Buswell, 2009). These figures indicate teachers need to understand how to modify teaching strategies to empower these students to succeed. Characteristics of students with autism all share developmental delays in three areas of development: social, behavioral/emotional, and communication. This case study conducts a review of the literature to address areas of specific concerns in anxiety, social skills development, and transitions from self-contained classes to general education inclusion classrooms for a 13-year old male with Asperger’s.
Case Study: Effective Teaching Strategies for a Student with Asperger’s in the General Educational Classroom At a training of paraprofessionals in Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) on Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), statistics were shared on the number of students in the school system with an ASD diagnosis. It has become the third most common childhood illness. A child is diagnosed with Autism every twenty minutes in the United States. In the LCPS 10.6% (625) of Individualized Education Programs (IEP) are dedicated to students with Autism (Buswell, 2009). These figures indicate teachers need to understand how to modify teaching strategies and learn definitive steps that must be taken to implement individual strategies that match each student’s individual needs and empower students to succeed. Characteristics of students with autism all share developmental delays in three areas of development: social,
References: Banda, Devender R., Matuszny, Rose Marie, and Turkan, Sultan. (2007). Video modeling strategies to enhance appropriate behaviors in children with autism spectrum disorders. TEACHING Exceptional Children. 39(6) 47-52. Buswell, Sara. (September, 2009). Overview of Asperger’s syndrome. Presented at the training of Para professionals by LCPS at Sterling Middle School. Lytle, Rebecca and Todd, Teri. (2009) . Stress and the student with autism spectrum disorders. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 41(4), 36-42. Loudoun County Public Schools, Sterling Middle School. Individual Education Plan for “Casey.” (2007). Roberts, Jacqueline M., Keane, Elaine, and Clark, Trevor R. (2008). Making inclusion work: autism spectrum Australia’s satellite class project. TEACHING Exceptional Children. 41(2) 22-27. Virginia Department of Education, Virginia Department of Education School Report Card. (2008). Retrieved from MS/SCHOOLENROLLMENT:GRADE?NAME=%22STERLING%20MIDDLE%20%22