Diagnosing Tina
Student Name: Rachel Sopok
Diagnosing Generalized Anxiety Disorder:
1a. Refer to the DSM-IV checklist for generalized anxiety disorder. Which of Tina's symptoms meet any of the criteria? (Be sure to match specific symptoms with specific criteria.)
Tina expressed that she has dealt with constant negative thoughts and worry for one year (since the loss of her husband). Tina is extremely nervous about driving, bridges and of something traumatic happening to her twin daughters. She acknowledged increased smoking and eating. Also, tina has taken to a nightly drink to “calm her nerves” and assist in sleeping. Tina stated that she has had weeks of dizziness, breath shortage and trembling hands. She feels restless and her body feels knotted-up, increasingly at nighttime.Tina has muscle tensions and issues of dealing with irritability dealing with her teenage daughters. She is experiencing impairment in her life by finding it difficult to do the things that she used to.
1b. Based upon your review of Tina's symptoms and the diagnostic criteria, could Tina be diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder or not (and if not, why not)?
Tina could be diagnosed with GAD based on the symptoms listed above that coincide with the diagnostic criteria of the DSM-IV checklist.
Diagnosing Specific Phobia:
2a. Refer to the DSM-IV checklist for specific phobia. Which of Tina’s symptoms meet any of the criteria? (Be sure to match specific symptoms with specific criteria.)
Tina worries so much about the safety of bridges that she hates to drive. She had an episode of anxiety that produced an immediate response of breathing broblems, nervousness, trembling/sweaty hands, racing heartbeat and avoidance. Tina does not want to even leave her home, because she has so many bridges in her area.
2b. Does Tina have a specific phobia and if yes, what is the feared object?
Tina has a specific phobia of bridges.
Diagnosing Panic Disorder:
3a. Refer