The fact that Carpal tunnel syndrome results from pressure on the Median Nerve necessitates Carpal Tunnel massage that helps to relief the nerve. Carpal Tunnel syndrome results in irritation on the meridian nerve and later the wrist. It is associated with different symptoms that include weakness, tingling, pain, and numbness in different parts of the hand, which are linked by the median nerves. If left untreated for some time, the syndrome may result in motor deficits and pain that can cause a temporary disability. Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief promotes blood circulation, which helps to treat and even prevent carpal-tunnel syndrome. This help to relieve inflammation, remove metabolic …show more content…
Although splinting prevents patients from lying awkwardly on the wrists while sleeping, it may result in an additional swelling inhibiting the victim from performing daily activities. Apart from having some side effects, most of the traditional medications only work as long as you take them regularly.
Another commonly used treatment is surgery, in which the swollen carpal ligament is severed to create a space that ensures that the median nerve is not constantly compressed. However, apart from being too expensive, surgery often fails to solve the issues as a number of patients have reported pains, numbness and tingling even after surgery. Researchers have also revealed that even successful surgery often do not last and the condition may return once the victim return to normal duties.
The best remaining alternative that most people often despise is the Carpal Tunnel Massage. Most patients are finding effective carpal tunnel pain relief solution through massage. Massage assist in dissolving scar tissues as well as adhesions in the muscles relieving the CTS symptoms. By restoring affected muscles to its full elasticity ease the wrist movement and ease friction on the inflamed areas. Further stretching and massaging the tendons and wrist’s ligaments help to reduce the pressure that the tendons and ligaments are inserting on the Median