Phil 327
My report is on Carla Trujillo’s article on chicana lesbians: Fear and Loathing in the Chicano community. Carla Trujillo hit it right on the head when according to Trujillo chicana lesbians are perceived as a threat because it disrupts the order of male dominance and raises the awareness for chicana women about their own independence and control (Trujillo281) This is true because of the machismo way that males have dominated families that have shaped their children to think that chicana women are inferior to men. Trujillo also made sense when she talked about sexuality when it came to suppressing it because …show more content…
The problems come about because chicano families have been brought up to conform to certain unwritten rules for example, to follow the norm(be a follower) and to not ask any questions regarding anything controversial that would make chicano families stand out from the rest. I Agree with Trujillo that chicana lesbians …show more content…
Expressing and talking about Sexuality for chicana women has always created a problem because there is no social norm for expressing and talking about it. I agree with trujillo’s persuasive argument that not loving their bodies lesbian chicana women are not perceiving themselves as sexual beings thus not confronting their lesbianism(Trujillo282) because in order to be true to yourself chicana lesbians must first love themselves as a woman and as a sexual being before they love somebody else and break free of traditional conceptions of appropriate female conduct. Breaking free of the traditional concepts of appropriate conduct is a challenge because chicana women having always been instilled that it is a sin to be a lesbian according to the Roman Catholic Church which is not factural. Religion is a important component in the chicana upbringing thus making a closeted lesbian not want to come out because she is confused about what is right and what is wrong. The culture voices shame upon chicana women if they go beyond the criteria of passivity and repression or doubts of in virtue of chicana women refuse (Castillo