According to the American Cancer Society "Chemotherapy may be used to: keep cancer from spreading, sow cancer growth, kill cancer cells, relieve symptoms, and cures cancer." This quote means that chemo can do a lot of things to help cancer patients. It can kill cancer cells, relieve symptoms ,and even cure cancer. Which means that cancer patients on chemo can have a chance to…
4. Many things can affect a persons risk of getting cancer. These risks include tour personal and family medical history, carcinogens in your environment and your lifestyle choices. There are many lifestyle choices, that can help reduce your risk of developing cancer. A healthy diet that contains lots of fruits and vegetables. Research has shown that certain "super foods" contain substances that help your body protect itself from…
Cancer is a group of abnormal cells in a certain location or multiple locations of a person’s body.…
Cancer is a generic term for a disease with 3 key features-ability to proliferate indefinitely (uncontrolled cell growth), ability to invade surrounding normal tissue (invasion), ability to spread throughout the body (metastasis)…
II. Second Main Point: A person can take different measures to lower his/her chances of developing cancer.…
The term "cancer" refers to a large group of very different diseases. They have one thing in common: the uncontrolled division of cells of an organ or tissue. These cells do not grow old and die not from spite of many changes in how healthy cells. They disguise themselves so the immune system does not recognize them as ill or injured. It can malignant tumors arise, as in cervical cancer: He is one of the "solid" tumors, as opposed to "systemic" diseases of the blood or bone marrow, in which cancer cells can spread throughout the body from the very beginning.…
Cancer is a group of diseases that deal with the uncontrolled growth of cells. A tumor refers to a collection of abnormal cells; some of them are known as benign tumors. Benign tumors do not become a cancer unless they start spreading and growing. Once these tumors begin to grow and multiply they become a cancer. There is screening for cancer available but only colon, breast, cervical and prostate cancer screenings have been known to be effective. Colon cancer or colorectal cancer is the leading cause of deaths in Americans younger than 85 years old. This type of disease develops in the rectum or colon, a person might not know when the tumors grow or begin to spread without screening. For this reason it is recommended that all people over the age of 50 get checked, (Bernard, 2006).…
In the world, millions of people die because of cancer. Cancer is a deadly disease which usually starts because of diet issues and uncontrollable cell growth. You might have read about cancer or seen someone with it. Terry Fox was a Canadian hero who ran across Canada to raise money for cancer research. There are some ways to get rid of cancer and avoid it too. To get rid of cancer you should show the doctor as fast as you can and to avoid it you should mainly be strict on your diet. You should eat more plant foods like fruits and vegetables and less fat foods like chips and fries. In this report I will be talking about types of cancer, effects of cancer, causes of cancer, avoidance and me, and some stuff about Terry Fox. Jaspreet Dhariwal…
Cancer is a genetic disease, caused by changes to genes that control the way our cells function, especially how they grow and divide.…
Cancer is a disease caused by normal cells changing, so that they grow in abnormal and uncontrolled way. The uncontrolled growth of cells form a lump called tumour. Once the tumour has become cancerous it can cause problems in the following ways:…
The only type of prevention for this type of cancer would be leading a healthy lifestyle. While this may not always be effective, the things to do are to diet, exercise, have the right amount of sun exposure, and not to smoke.…
INTRODUCTION: Cancer is a big issue all around the world. It can affect the young and old, active and inactive and the slim and overweight. There are no guarantees fro anyone. Even though anyone may be at risk, there are ways to protect yourself and lower your risk. By protecting yourself from cancer, you can avoid smoking and avoid exposure to other people’s smoke. You don’t want to over eat, drink too much alcohol, or eat too many fatty foods. Also, exercise should be in your daily routine.…
Needless to say it makes sense to try to avoid cancer at all costs. While you are probably aware that you shouldn't be smoking, I bet many of you weren't aware that the food you eat could put you at risk for cancer. Let's take a look at six foods that have been to increase your risk of developing cancer. 1. Processed Meats Lunch…
The things you can do in your everyday life to reduce the risk of getting cancer are eating a healthy diet. Getting exercise in your daily routine, will better your odds of not getting cancer, along with routine checkups to the doctors. Eating three or more servings of vegetables a day is one of the best things we can do for our health. It can lower our risk of several cancers, as well as heart attack and strokes. Trying to eat three servings of vegetables a day will not only lower the risk of ovarian cancer, but it will reduce the risk of reoccurring ovarian cancer and increase the chances of a good remission. Eating three servings of fruits a day will also lower your risks of some cancers.…
Chemotherapy is the treatment of cancer by the use of chemical substances, agents or drugs that are toxic to the causative agent of the disease. It works on active cells that grow and divide into more of the same type of cell. Cancer cells are active, so are some healthy cells, and side effects happen when chemotherapy destroy the healthy cells. Chemotherapy is a double-edged sword, it can cure the disease and be harmful to the body at the same time. I personally discourage the use of that treatment because of its endless side effects that damage the body and create new diseases.…