
Canada's Economy Analysis

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Canada's Economy Analysis
My Perspective on Canada’s Economy, Government Responsibilities, and a Merge with America

In this essay, I would be discussing a prominent economic problem that Canada faces today, which is its weakening currency, that is a prime factor as to why Canada’s economy to worsening. Moreover, I would also discuss about the right for Canadians to look up to their governments for solutions to the major problems they face, as well as the better decision of giving citizens opportunities to learn skills required for the future, even if it results in increased deficit, as opposed to reducing both the Canada’s deficit and amount of services offered. In addition, a notable topic of discussion also includes my reasons as to why In my opinion, one of the
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Moreover, they also have great teams of professionals and knowledge that can allow them to create better decisions and policies, while also having control on funding, and budget. Thus, they have a responsibility of solving issues as they likely have better insight on feasible solutions that work inline with their budget, though consideration of the ideas, opinions, and approval of various citizens is also greatly encouraged because at the end of the day, they are the group that are most affected by certain issues. A widespread problem, as mentioned above, is the weakening of our dollar as this restricts Canadians from travelling to other countries (due to higher costs). Moreover, the weakening dollar also creates a breeding ground for inflation and increasing household debt that is a burden to Canadians. Thus, the government could provide, and execute solutions to possibly increase the value of the dollar, lessen the burden for Canadians, and/or better distribute their spending and wealth, which they have a better level of control over, to prevent further negative effects on the economy. In addition, another widespread problem that Canadians face include the distribution of government wealth which leads to certain services being underfunded. One such …show more content…

For one, there would be major clashes in government structure, policies, and government spending which includes possible examples like gun laws, the election system, military spending, and healthcare, which are greatly distinct. Furthermore, Canada’s policies and government spending regarding those topics seem to fare better than the U.S. as, for example, healthcare in Canada is “free”, while there were many complaints during American election debates that reflected poorer on the American healthcare system in comparison to Canada’s. In addition, aside from those policies, a merge between Canada and the U.S. could also lead to riots, conflict, and dissatisfaction among French Canadians which is bound to cause trouble. Furthermore, curriculums would also have to be altered as well. Thus, because of these issues that weigh more and have a greater value than some economic benefits (ex: cheaper goods in the U.S.), the merge of Canada and the U.S. proves to be a disastrous combination that is bound to be filled with conflict, and

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