When establishing a successful business, no matter how big or small, one monitors progress, assesses results, and develops new programs. One must determine what they want the company to be, produce, and accomplish. Several things have to be determined for the purpose of the business or organization. For example creating a vision, mission. and values statement allows the organization and its customers to identify what the company believes in, what they want to do, and where their long term goal is. Another important component of a successful business is a strong strategic plan. One company that can benefit by re-defining their vision, mission, and values statement …show more content…
The purpose of a vision statement is to provide a clear picture of where the organization would like to be in the future and what they want their long term accomplishments to be. The mission statement describes what the purpose of the organization is and is focused on the present. Values statement identifies the organizations guiding principles and core beliefs. The values statements also assists in guiding the organizations employees to implement strategies to achieve the organization 's mission and vision. Researching through TOMS website it is difficult to identify the companies mission, vision, and values. However, after extensive searching one can determine that the vision statement for TOMS Shoes Inc. is "to be a company that would match every pair of shoes purchased with a pair of new shoes given to a child in need." The mission statement is "One for One". Although the values are not clearly stated one can assume by the company 's overview that they believe in giving back, responsibility, and environmental