Assignment 1: Problem-Solving
Due: Sunday, January 27th , 2012 @ 10:00PM
Worth: 5%
In Elgan’s recent story (2012), he questions whether Apple is lost without Steve Jobs.
Please answer the following questions (in a Word Document) within the context of the framework on Problem-solving discussed in class (total 50 points):
1. [20 points] Identify the problem: According to you, what is the problem described in this article. Clearly in one paragraph [100 words maximum] state the problem as you understand it.
2. [20 points] Please write [150 words maximum] in one or two paragraphs indicating if you agree (or disagree) with the author’s arguments and why. You can make an argument …show more content…
(2012). Is Apple lost without Steve Jobs? Computerworld, September 21, 2012 – available at
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Marking Scheme
In this assignment you are required to an article and then answer the following questions (in a Word Document) within the context of the framework on Problem-solving discussed in class (total 50 points):
1. [20 points] IDENTIFY THE PROBLEM: According to you, what is the problem described in this article. Clearly in one paragraph state the problem as you understand