THE BLACK DEATH had infected everyone in Europe, killing 1/3 of the entire European population, starting the year 1348. The disease was brought to Europe on ships/boats by fleas. The fleas then infected the rats, which infected everyone else. Long and short-term impacts were caused by the Black Death, and some couldn’t be resolved for centuries.…
The bubonic pale affected Europe and the European economy during the 1300s. There is a bacteria called Yersinia pest's that scientists believe caused the bubonic plague. Though the version that still exists today is different then the version that caused the black death in 1347 - 1351. The plague also affected the economy. The time period had feudalism and serfs had to pay rent of crops to the lord. With the plague though, the numbers of serfs and workers went down. This forced some lords to lower dues or give the serfs an incentive to continue working. This is how the bubonic plague effected the people of Europe in the 1300s.…
The Bubonic Plague During the fourteenth century there was a deadly epidemic spreading across Europe. This epidemic was eventually given the name The Bubonic Plague. The Plague whipped one third of Europe in a short period of time. This epidemic affected multiple countries in Europe.…
Not unlike many of today’s flu outbreaks, bubonic is thought to have also originated in China. As early as 1346, rumors surfaced in Europe of a terrible plague which had ravaged Central Asia, India, Asia Minor, the Middle East and Mesopotamia. These rumors told of a disease that left entire territories littered in bodies, as no survivors were left to bury their dead. Another rumor reported the entire Indian subcontinent totally depopulated by this disease. Despite what this information may have portended for Europe, Europeans of the day remained largely unalarmed by this news as they calmly went about daily life. Years later, it was reported by Pope Clement VI that the total number of dead in these regions was calculated to be almost 24 million. (683)…
The Black Death also known as the Bubonic Plague and many other names, devastated European society by affecting its economy, social structure, government, and church in a series of outbreaks taking place years apart for over 300 years. When the Black Death began to surface for the first time people panicked and believed in supernatural reasons that had caused the plague but during the course of time different groups of people such as the state or government, the middle class, and the church either began to have a different attitude towards the plague like a rational or selfish point of view or they kept believing in supernatural beings that caused the plague.…
In 542 CE a disease called, The Great Plague struck Constantinople that was so overwhelming, it changed the face of history forever in Eastern Europe. The disease was first noticed in Pelusium, an Egyptian harbor town. The problem with this plague was that no one was sure of what caused it. In later years we have found out that the disease was caused by bacteria and parasites that used rats as hosts. North Africa, in the 8th century CE, was the primary source of grain for the empire, along with a number of different commodities including paper, oil, ivory, and slaves. Stored in vast warehouses, the grain provided a perfect breeding ground for the fleas and rats, crucial to the transmission of plague. These rats would then infect our drinking…
The Bubonic Plague was first started in China or Russia but quickly spread to Western Europe. The results of the plague were that everything and everyone became frightened and confused. There was such over crowding in the cities that the…
Throughout history, there were a series of horrific bubonic plagues that spread around the world. The bubonic plague is a deadly disease that forms buboes and causes many other terrible symptoms. The bubonic plague affected the world three different times. The first time the pandemic hit was in 542, it was called the Justinian Plague. The second time was in 1347, it was called the Black Death.…
During the renaissance time in London, cities did not have the sewage systems and cleanliness people have today. Disease and germs were floating in the people’s water and sitting on doors, tables, and chairs. Because of these things, the Bubonic Plague of London was started. But was hygiene the only reason the plague was started? And what is the Bubonic Plague? During the Renaissance time period, the Bubonic Plague killed many people in London, and this paper will state what caused it, the symptoms of the plague, and the treatments and results of it.…
The Black Death is one of the most deadly epidemics in human history, and is taught in schools throughout the world. Though it is most known to have killed 50 million people in Europe it also ravaged Asia killing 25 million people. The Black Death is a type of plague called the Bubonic plague. Encyclopedia Britannica defines the Bubonic plague as, “an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis. Bubonic plague is the most commonly occurring type of plague and is characterized by the appearance of buboes—swollen, tender lymph nodes, typically found in the armpits and groin.” The Bubonic plague has surfaced nine times in human history: the Plague of Justinian (541-542), the Black Death (1346-1353), the Great Plague of Milan (1629-1631),…
During, the medieval times, there was a destructive disease sweeping across the globe. So destructive it is believed to have taken twice as many lives as the amount of people murdered by Joseph Stalin’s regime in the Soviet Union (Benedictow). In this essay, I will explain to you “The Black Death”, the name given to the plague breakout in Europe. In order for you to understand the plague in Europe, I must first inform you on plagues, in general.…
The Black Death: Bubonic Plague The Black Death was an epidemic that killed about one-third of Europe's population. In the early 1330’s a deadly disease known as the Black Death occurred in China. China was one of the top world trading nations so it wasn’t long before the Black Plague started spreading throughout other countries. Eventually in the late 1340’s the disease occurred in Europe by sea resulting in about 20 to 30 million deaths.…
In 1346, a very deadly disease, identified as the Bubonic Plague, broke out in China and very quickly swept across the European continent. The Christian and Muslim populations were vastly effected with mortality rates as high as thirty-three percent. Although both religions were affected, the Christian and Muslims had very controversial outlooks and responses to the Bubonic Plague. The most argued opinion coming from these two religions was whether or not the plague was a good or bad thing. The Islamic community felt that the plague was a blessing sent by Allah, while the Christians viewed it as a curse.…
Pandemic. Seems like a simple concept, doesn’t it? Just eight little letters. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) defines it as an epidemic that has spread over several countries or continents, usually affecting a large number of people. (Epidemic Disease Occurrence, 2012) However, something that seems fairly simple might not actually be. A pandemic is one of the scariest things to imagine. It is an outbreak of some sort of disease process infecting and killing thousands or even millions of people before a cure can be discovered. One of the deadliest pandemics, the Black Death, killed an estimated upwards of 50 million people back in the 1300s in Asia and Europe. (Benedictow, 2005) This sparks a good and interesting question. What would we…
Not only is the number of cases increasing as the disease is spreading to new areas, but explosive outbreaks are occurring.…