Broca’s interpretation of evidence made his conclusions not credible. Broca’s evidence was that in modern society men have larger brains than females and a supposed increase in male superiority through time. Broca calculated that on average a male’s brain is 181 grams heavier then a female’s brain. Although, he never considered the cause of death or the size of the brain proportionally measured to the body. The brain may reduce size and weight if you die from a degenerative disease as compared to an accident or a killing where the brain averages 60 grams more. Broca also calculated that the difference between a female’s and a male’s prehistoric skull circumference was 99.5 cubic centimeters and now the difference ranges between 129.5 cubic centimeters and 220.7 cubic centimeters. From that Data he concluded that men have gotten smarter over time and women have not gotten that much smarter over time. But this is not credible data because he did not have a big enough sample size, when finding the average difference in circumference size between prehistoric males and females. Also, his …show more content…
Therefore, this data did not prove his hypothesis and it hurt the self-esteem of many people in the disadvantaged groups. An experiment’s data is wasted when its interpretation is bias. This bias could be prevented if the experiment’s results could prove that a certain type of people are more intelligent such as conducting an IQ test that everyone has to fill