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what does poet say about belonging?
1 poem 3 x peel parts
The father is a hard worker man and he is also shows the son's admiration.
Skyzynecki here illustrates vividly aspects of the migrant experience within Australia and the differentiates of assimilation for the older generation. His father has made a good life here in Australia, but he can never be Australian because his identity has been forged in the Polish culture. This poem shows the immigrant's isolation in a different country and his attempts to deal with it and find what happiness he can by remaining positive. His father's world is changed completely, a frequent end result of emigration which is a journey taken from a decision of the intellect not a heart.
Felix is content in the garden world he has created for himself. He keeps himself to himself, probably owing to language barriers of communication, but he is at peace with the world he has created and his memories. It is an affectionate personal description of his father, but indicates a lack of common ground with him. We see the child perspective of his father and the other immigrant adults behaviour and his own lack of sympathy with them. He himself only knows Australia as his home and sees himself as different from them. He is growing further and further away from his father and his roots in Poland. The poem is as much about Skrzynecki's efforts as assimilation as his father's lack thereof.
'An individual's interaction with others and the world around them can enrich or limit their experience of belonging.'
Discuss this view with detailed reference to your prescribed text and ONE other related text of your own choosing.
'Understanding nourishes belonging... a lack of understanding prevents it.'
Demonstrate how your prescribed text and ONE other related text of your own choosing represent this interpretation of belonging.
Peter Skrzynecki's poems