
Breaching Experiment Essay

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Breaching Experiment Essay
From the clothes we wear to the rules we follow, we tend to stick to our norms and traditional beliefs. In our society today, people are expected to keep a socially accepting ways of life. We develop norms, which is a rule or guideline regarding what kinds of behavior are acceptable within a culture. People often feel the need to “fit in” to the group they are affiliated with, even if they see a behavior that is different from what they normally do. To study such behaviors when norms are violated in a society, breaching experiments can be used. Breaching experiment is when sociologists go in the field and violate norms to collect data. In sociology, data from the breaching experiments provide important information because people observe what …show more content…

At Oxford College, we participated in a breaching experiment to examine people’s actions. We treated these interactions and reactions from the people as data and tried to understand how our society constructs norms. Throughout a series of experiments at the campus, we were able to understand how people behave when norms are violated on a very low level. There are so many unspoken social norms and rules in our society. In fact, social rules tend to become more obvious once they are violated. The elevator experiment clearly demonstrated this idea. The focus of this research was to see if people conformed when they were faced in odd circumstances. When a new person entered the elevator, a group of individuals faced the back of an elevator. This was a simple way to observe social conformity because facing the back of an elevator is not the norm in our society. Because most people tend to face the door, we were expecting a reaction that reflects strong social influence. To yield the best results, the group …show more content…

In sociology, I learned how social influence plays a big role. It exerts group control over individuals’ decisions. Although facing the back of the elevator was an uncomfortable behavior, students were influenced by peer pressure and led evidence that social influence function in everyday situations. This connected me to the idea of groupthink. The results of this experiment demonstrated groupthink because of bringing a high degree of conformity among members. Based on various reactions, it showed how easily people succumb to group pressure to behave in a certain way. This may explain why people in this experiment conformed in order to gain approval by following the group in the elevator. Although the first trial with Dr. McQuaide did not produce good results, I believe the other two trials with the students demonstrated the group dynamics

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