The ABC tv show Black Box gives an in depth look into the life of a woman who deals with severe bipolar dissorder. Throughout this paper I will be referencing towards episode 1: "Kiss the Sky." This episode proves a in depth look into the life of a woman with severe hereditary bipolar disorder. The reason I will be using this episode is because it shows the effects of non-adherence that many adults with this disorder struggle with. Dr.Black constantly chooses to go off the meds because she feels that is when she is her true self. I would like to argue the point that
The ABC tv show Black Box gives an in depth look into the life of a woman who deals with severe bipolar dissorder. Throughout this paper I will be referencing towards episode 1: "Kiss the Sky." This episode proves a in depth look into the life of a woman with severe hereditary bipolar disorder. The reason I will be using this episode is because it shows the effects of non-adherence that many adults with this disorder struggle with. Dr.Black constantly chooses to go off the meds because she feels that is when she is her true self. I would like to argue the point that