Sexual Promiscuity * Teens partake in risky sexual behavior, the ‘It won’t happen to me’ attitude. * Struggling teens see sex as an outlet for frustration which leads to a diminished outlook on ones values and self-esteem. * May use sex as a way of showing parents that they are “free” and ‘do whatever’ which can lead to emotional, physical problems. * STD’s and cervical cancer has been linked to promiscuous behavior. * Each year 3 million STD’s are diagnosed in teens * Creates a false sense of security
Health Risk associated with Hormonal Contraception * Risk associated with smoking while taking birth control. 90% of all smokers start as teens. * Increases risk of breast, cervical, and liver cancers * Cervical cancer risk increases with long-term use. * Benign tumors in liver that can case bleeding and rupture. * Expose breast tissue to high levels of hormones for long periods of time. * Break-through bleeding and nausea * Weight gain * Depo Provera can lead to bone loss * Headaches * No protection against STD’s * Mood changes
Parent’s choice
Parents are legally responsible for the welfare of their children until the age of 18. * Giving teens the right to obtain birth control without parental consent is encroaching upon the rights of parents in the lives of there children. * NP’s should not knowingly put children in a high health risk situation without the consent of the guardian. Unethical to allow children to obtain it without parental consent due to the health risk. * Removing parents right to make a major decision is something we shouldn’t