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Biology - Final Review

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Biology - Final Review
Biology - Final Review
(50 Questions)

Scientific Method

Observations: New observations are made and past data are studied
Hypothesis: A testable statement is formulated
Experiment/Observations: The hypothesis is tested by experiment of further observations
Conclusion: The results are analyzed. • If the hypothesis is support. Continue work (multiple experiences) • If the hypothesis is rejected. Start again (new hypothesis)

Car Scenario:
Observations: Vehicle won’t start
Hypothesis: Battery is dead
Experiment: Go by a new battery and replace
Conclusion: If the car start, your hypothesis is correct, if doesn’t need a new hypothesis

What scientific method is for or its purpose?
It is a process which you gather information, evaluated and learn about something. You observe something and try to figure out how it works.

Cell Theory
All living organism is made of cell. It can be unicellular or multi-cellular.

Basic Biological Molecules:
Four basic biological groups that make up all life are: • Carbohydrates • Proteins • Lipids • Nucleic Acids

What are the 6 main atoms that make up the biological molecules?/ Macronutrients • Carbon • Oxygen • Hydrogen • Nitrogen • Phosphate • Sulfur

If an organism is considered organic, which atom is primary made of? • Carbon (is the main one) • Hydrogen

The three types of bonds • Hydrogen Bond • Covalent Bonds • Ionic Bond

Property of Water
What hold the atoms together?
Covalent Bond (Hydrogen and oxygen) Strong bond

What hold molecules of water together?
Hydrogen bond – Weak bond

Dehydration Systems

If you take a polysaccharide (polymers) and break down into monosaccharide (monomers), this is the process of?

If you take amino acids (monomers) and you assemble together form a (polymers) protein that is?
Dehydration synthesis

Polymers Examples
Polysaccharide (carbohydrates) Chitin, starch, cellulose
Triglycerides (lipids) Fat, oil, steroids, cholesterol
Polyptide (proteins) Enzymes, insulin
DNA/RNA (nucleic Acids) ATP

Cell Membrane

What is the function or properties of cell membrane? • Cell membrane is to regulate the passages of molecules and ions into and out of the cell. Semi-permeable: Selectively allows molecules to go through while prevent passages of other molecules. Remember! Not ALL molecules • It marks the boundary between the outside and inside of the cell. • It isolates all of the things outside the cell from the outside of the environment and then allows performing the proper function.

Osmosis • It is a passive diffusion where the solvent (water) moves across the membrane, rather than the solute. Water goes from higher concentration to lower concentration.

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Ex.: If a cell is 95% water inside and put in solution 98% water. What happen to the cell?
Water goes in and blows up. Ex.: A cell that is 98% water inside put in a solution that is 95% water. What happen to the cell? The water it will leave and the cell will shrink.

Know the two organelles Mitochondria and Chloroplast • Specialized in energy conversion

Chloroplasts • Use solar energy to synthesize carbohydrates via photosynthesis • Are found in plants and other photosynthetic organism • Are surrounded by two membranes (inner and outer) • The large inner space is the stroma • It takes solar energy (kinetic energy) it converts in chemical (potential) energy.

Mitochondria • It breaks down carbohydrates to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP) for energy • Are often call cell “power-house” because they produce most of the ATP • The breakdown of these molecules in the presence of oxygen to produce ATP is called cellular respiration (metabolism) • It takes chemical energy and breakdown. It takes kinetic energy and restore as potential energy. It takes energy in chemicals (chemical to chemical) and it just changes the form in its stores and to convert to another useful chemical energy.

What is Metabolism? • All the chemical reactions that occur in the cell during growth and repair. • Metabolism is the breakdown molecules to get energy. • Is all the chemical processes that take place on your body or in the single cell organism to get nutrients and make energy

What is the relationships the organelle and the cell. What is the purpose of all the organelles in relation to the cell? Cell can function and stay alive. Allow the cell not only to function, but without the organelles cannot stay alive, you can’t be a living organism, like bacteria or eukaryotic cell.
Prokaryotic Cell • Lacking of membrane bounded nucleus and organelles • The cell typed within the domains Bacteria and Archaea

Eukaryotic Cell • Has a membrane bounded nucleus and membranous organelles • Found in organism with in the domain Eukarya

Know the difference between animal, plants and bacteria cell

Animal Cell Plant Cell Bacteria
No cell wall Have cell wall Have cell wall
Have cell membrane have cell membrane have cell membrane
Have nucleus envelope Have nucleus envelope No nucleus envelope
Has organelles Have organelles Lack most organelles

Ex.: If you look in the microscope and you see a cell that got a nucleus envelope, has no cell wall and got a lot membrane bounded organelles, that is will be a: Animal Cell

Ex.: A cell has a nucleus envelope, cell membrane, and cell membrane organelles are: Plant cell and/or Animal cell.

Potential energy: Is stored energy
Kinetic energy: is energy in motion

Exergonic Reaction: Reaction that release energy

Endergonic Reaction: Reaction that consumes or use energy

Couple reaction • Reaction that occurs simultaneously; one is an exergonic reaction that releases energy, and the other is endergonic reaction that requires an input of energy in order to occur. • Is a reaction that gives energy and another reaction consume energy, so all is doing is transfer one molecule to the other. In this process it looses energy

Enzyme • Organic catalyst, usually a protein, that speeds up the reaction in cells due to its particular shape • Speeds up the reaction by lowering the amount energy in the activation energy. It’s a biological catalyst.

Activation Energy: • The energy needed to cause molecules to react with one another

Photosynthesis • Transforms solar energy into chemical energy of carbohydrates • Equation: CO2 + Water + Sunlight (energy) = Glucose + Oxygen • Explanation: Solar energy it will be converted in to chemical energy (glucose)

Glucose Metabolism • Is a source of energy and a metabolic intermediate • Equation: Glucose + Oxygen = CO2 + Water + ATP (energy) • Explanation: Its purpose is takes this form of chemical energy (glucose) and converts to a useful form of chemical energy (ATP)

Metabolism: • All the chemical reactions that take place to get energy

Steps of Glucose Metabolism
• The purpose is to allowed glycolysis to keep in generating energy • Produce the least amount of energy • Is Anaerobic (no oxygen) • Uses up NADH – Consumes energy, does not make any

Glycolysis • Produce 2 ATP energy • Makes a little energy

Cellular Respiration • Produce the most amount of energy • It is aerobic (uses oxygen)

DNA Transcription • Exact copy DNA Template = DNA Strand

RNA Transcription • Copy DNA template = RNA Strand (just a section) • Take place in the process of translation which does it takes nucleic acid to convert to amino acid sequence to make proteins

Semi-Conservative DNA Replication • DNA Transcription is used the process of use semi-conservative DNA replication which is copy all the DNA for preparation for cell division • Is a copy of all DNA in a cell and the parent strand that DNA that will be copy to make two daughter strand DNA. • The DNA replication is considered semi-conservative because one of the original strands is presented en each new DNA helix. Each daughter will be half of the daughter strand.

DNA Translation • Transport and carrying • Translate to nucleic acid sequence found in mRNA and convert to amino acid (proteins)

Three types of RNA

tRNA • Translating and converting nucleic acid to amino acid mRNA • Directs the sequence of amino acids in the protein rRNA • Are the Ribosome

Mutations • Alter the sequence of DNA. Anything that change the nuclei acids on the DNA • All cells have DNA. Mutations can take place all organelle that have DNA • Things can cause mutations: environment, radiation, things you ingest, process of replication itself

Meiosis • The purpose is for production of gametes for sexual reproductions • The cell splits from meiosis are genetically dissimilar • Get most genetically variation by DNA replication, random mutations from UV radiation

Mitosis • The purpose is for cell growth and repair • The cell that splits from mitosis are genetically identical

Parents of Inheritance/Punnett Square

Dominant Recessive
Ex. Some organisms have a dominant trait. What are the findings having the dominant traits regarding to the genotype? It is one or two. If is dominant trait is one. If it is a recessive trait you need two.

Ex.: If an organism with a dominant phenotype mates wit another organism with a recessive phenotype and ½ of the offspring has the recessive and ½ has the dominant. What was the genotype of the parents that have the dominant traits? What are the possible combinations? ½ is Aa and ½ is aa

Ex.: In regards from passing traits on, why some traits can disappear in one generation and reappear later on?
You have carriers, you have recessive traits that essentially are not express unless have two of those recessive. It is the genotype.
Two people can be normal and have a child with cystic fibrosis, because they are carrier of recessive alleles.

Alleles • Same genes, but variation of Nucleic Acids sequence. Different nucleotide sequence ate the same locus on two homologous chromosomes. • Is the variation of nucleic acid sequence of the gene

Gene: • Unit of heredity existing as alleles on the chromosomes; in diploid organisms, typically two alleles are inherited one from each parent. • It is a sequence DNA that encodes protein (polyptide chain)

Biotechnology • The use or alter of organism for some specific purpose. • It is the use of any organism for some goal or purpose. All creation use bacteria alter cells, etc.

Evolution • Descent of organisms from common ancestors with the development of genetic and phenotypic changes over time that make them more suited to the environment. • It is a change in the genetics of the organism over time as the traits or select for.

Natural Selection • Mechanism of evolution caused by environmental selection of organism most fit reproduce; results in adaptation to the environment. • It is the selections of traits that allow an organism survives and reproduce better than the others and passing on those genes for the next generations. It’s the fitness.

What are the five conditions one way if held trough you get to know evolution? • No Mutation • No Gene Flow • Random mating • No Genetic Drift • No Natural Selection

Ex.: So if one these change to no gene flow to a gene flow that is a deviation to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and if would change for a non random mating, that would be a deviation from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, thus causing evolution. If change one of those conditions, you get evolution
How do you get alleles? What is the fundamental basis on evolution?
Variation of the genes or mutations

Reproduction Isolation Mechanism/ Speciation • Origin of new species due to the evolutionary process of descent with modification. • Two organisms that cannot reproduce with one another, they are separate species

Why the five kingdom classifications change the three domain classifications? • Its better reflect the ancestral evolution on life on Earth. That’s why they change the three domain system. Why because the Monera kingdom was splitter in two domains, because when they look at the genetics and the molecules biology on that they found that they are fundamental different, therefore, they have different revolutionary branches. That’s why scientist has change the classification, no because they include everything but to better reflect evolutionary history on Earth and the relation of organism. • To better reflect the revolutionary relationship of the history of the evolution of life on Earth. That is the whole reason they change the five kingdoms to three domains.

Population Growth – 4 Factors • Birth The first 2 are the major role • Death • Immigration The last two are the minor role • Emigration

Why is the factor that makes populations exponentially grow last two centuries? • Industrial revolution • Modern Science and Medicine

Interactions in Communities: The species in a community can interact in a variety of ways. o Competition: Occurs when species compete for the same resource Ex.: water, space, plants Abundance of both species decrease (-/-) o Predation: One species pray upon one another (KILL) Abundance of predator increase and abundance of pray decrease (+/-) o Parasitism: One species is a parasite on another Abundance of parasite increase and abundance of host decease (+/-) o Commensalisms: One in which the interaction benefits one species, but the other is not affected. Abundance of one species increase and the other is not affected (+/0) o Mutualism: The interaction benefits both species. Abundance of both species increases (+/+)

Competitive Exclusion Principle: • State that since no two species can occupy the same niche (place), one species will eventually die out.

Co-evolution • Is the evolution in which the interaction of two species causes that evolution, so not nature. It is predator/pray. It is the relationship that causes two species evolve. If you are to separate them and put in another areas, they are not going o evolve because they are not interact with one another • Community Interact: When two organism are competing with the same resources and go without and the other adapt is co-evolution

Producers: Also called Autotrophs produce their own food o Photoeutrophs use the sun to make their own food o Chemoautotrophs obtain energy to make food by oxidizing inorganic compounds (archaea). o Anything that has chloroplast has to do with producers

Consumers: Heterotrophs=(other) must consume the nutrients synthesized by autotrophs to survive. o Herbivores graze on plants o Carnivores eat meat o Omnivores eat both plants and meat o Decomposers break down dead organic matter (detritus)

Chemical Cycling
Nitrogen Cycle o Producers can use different forms of nitrogen from the environment o Ammonium (NH4+) found naturally or derived from N2 by nitrogen fixation o Nitrate (NO3+) produced from ammonium by nitrification o In the nitrogen cycle, nitrification is counterbalanced by denitrification and nitrogen fixation. o In regards to nitrogen and ammonium = nitrogen fixed bacteria that put nitrogen in atmosphere and converted into ammonia nitrate. o Nitrogen fixing bacteria in nodules and soil o Denitrifying bacteria o Found in protein, DNA (p.566) o In the atmosphere take the form of a Nitrogen gas and the soil take the form of a nitrate and ammonia

Carbon Cycle o There are two primary sources of carbon for the carbon cycle: o Gaseous or dissolved carbon dioxide o Inorganic carbonate o Much of the Earth’s carbon is tied up in the bodies of organisms or limestone and carbonate shells. o A Carbon in the atmosphere take the form a CO2 and the other form is integrated in golden blocks, the chemical energy

Question: What process that the carbon dioxide comes back for the chemical synthesis?
Answer: Photosynthesis

Competition • Occurs when species compete for the same resource

Succession • Even is has a primary or secondary succession the end result is the same to reach that stable climax community. Is that stable ecosystem, plant, nature and animals interacting.

Commensalisms • One in which the interaction benefits one species, but the other is not affected.

Speciation • Is the emerging of generation from two species

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