Professor Fletcher
GENE 100
November 8, 2014
The Biblical Worldview on Divorce In the book, A Study of the Biblical Worldview of K—12 Christian School Educators, Wood defines a worldview as a set of fundamentals beliefs through which we see the world considering our call and future in it. Reality is managed and pursued through it, as well as interpreting and integrating the framework for judging order and disorder in a standard way (Wood 21). Although different denominations have varying interpretation of worldviews, it forms a frame in which all Christians interpret the world. This vision should be articulated, internalized, developed explicitly into a methodical conception, as well as deepened into philosophy. The secularizing …show more content…
Therefore, Christians must do their best to understand it, gain God’s teachings about it, and consequently apply to actual cases the biblical scriptures regarding divorce. Although many conclude that the bible does not address divorce but rather denounce and condemn poses a wrong perception of divorce. It, therefore, calls for a wide understanding of the biblical view in addressing this issue. In the book of Malachi, God emphatically gets involved in the divorce proceedings against Israel. “I hate divorce,” says the lord of Israel “and I hate a man covering himself with violence as well as with his garment,” says the lord almighty. So guard yourself in the spirit, and do not break faith (Malachi 2:19, the New International Version). It is a fact that God does not like divorce but He neither does hate all divorces since in some circumstances it could be proper. The consequence of divorce is what makes it a bad practice because it affects children the …show more content…
It illustrates God’s will to work with redemption on behalf of those who do not live up to His desires. Considering the effects of God’s attitude towards divorce in the Old and New, testaments it dawns to us that the biblical worldview analyzes critically the issues we face in the modern society. The original plan of marriage was lifelong union between spouses although divorce came to defy this fundamental principle. In the light of this principle, Christians should solve marital issues in an amicable way to avoid violation of God plan. Developing a clear understanding of the biblical world is a major step towards addressing the contemporary issue of the society. The key to dynamic foundation of obedience among Christians is the development of a solid Christian worldview. Obedience is a necessary tool for Christians to live in a mature and complete way. Thus, the biblical worldview is of great importance in dealing with the alternate