Prof. José M Colón Cel.: 0414-8179917 e-mail: Class hours: Tu 2 - 3:35/Th 3:40 - 5:15 pm Office hours: Tu & Th from 8:30 to 11:00 am
LANGUAGE ACQUISITION (007-5824) 2013 - I COURSE DESCRIPTION This is an introductory course to the field of first and second language acquisition with an emphasis on the latter. The course will seek to examine the processes that underlie the acquisition of first and second languages and the different theories that have been put forth to account for such processes. Similarly, it is expected that the different readings and discussions in the course help foster critical judgment in order to identify and address important issues in the field. COURSE OBJECTIVES General Examine some of the theories that have been put forward to account for first and second language acquisition.
Specific 1. Foster an understanding of the principles and processes that govern first and second language acquisition (SLA) and use. 2. Identify issues and problems in current SLA theory and research. 3. Develop the ability to think critically about language acquisition theories and research. 4. Do research on some of the processes that govern second language acquisition.
Course requirement and weighting In-class Participation Essays Quizzes Oral presentation Take-home tests Research paper 15 % 10 % 10 % 15 % 25 % 25 %
Tentative schedule week Topic Readings Assignments
Acquiring a first Language. Bennett, D (1985). Language Issues: Reading for teachers. New York. Longman Leading discussion group Q&A
First Language Acquisition
First language acquisition. Brown, D. (1980). Principles of language learning and teaching
Linguistics and Language Learning: The Group discussion Universal Grammar Approach. Rosamond M., & Florence M. (2004). Second Language Learning Theories.
Key issues in second language acquisition. Ellis, R. (1985). Understanding
References: Bennett, D (1985). Language Issues: Reading for teachers. New York. Longman Brown, D. (1980). Principles of language learning and teaching. PrenticeHall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632 Ellis, R. (1985). Understanding second language acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ellis, R. (1994). The study of second language acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Gass, S., & Selinker, L. (2001). Second language acquisition. An introductory course. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, London. Lightbown, P., & Spade, N. (1993). How languages are learned. Oxford: Oxford University. McLaughlin, B. (1987). Theories of second language learning. London, Edward. Arnold. Rosamond M., & Florence M. (2004). Second Language Learning Theories.