
Reflection on 'Beautiful Mind': Q&A

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Reflection on 'Beautiful Mind': Q&A
CMI Kowats Pd. 4
March 12, 2011
A Beautiful Mind Questions

Section 1:
1. Describe the opening sequence when John Nash sees the others. What patterns does he see?
Why is this important? • John sees patterns on the man’s tie, and relates it to reflections of light and shapes. This shows his analytical mind, and his ability to relate two arbitrary things to geometry and math.
2. What is Nash's role at Princeton? • Nash is a graduate student at Princeton. He is also famous for being one of two recipients of the Carnegie Prize for math.
3. What are the prizes the students talk about? • The students talk about the Carnegie Prize, which John Nash and Martin Hansen both win.
4. How does Nash relate to the other students? What does he think of them? What do they think of him? What does he do that is inappropriate? • Nash does not easily interact with the other students. He keeps some distance initially, and thinks of himself as superior to the rest. The other students don’t quite accept him as on of their own. They like him in their own way. [I think you mentioned that] the inappropriate thing he does is talk to the woman at the bar rudely and directly.
5. Describe Nash as a student. What are his problems? Why does he have these problems? • Nash is a bad student. He does not attend class, and he thinks that the courses are a waste of time. He has these problems because he thinks that he is smarter than everyone else, and that the courses restrict his freedom of thought.
6. What does Nash think of himself? Is his self-assessment accurate? • Nash thinks that he is superior to the other students, and too smart for classes. He also thinks all his theories to be correct. He is only partially right, as he is in fact a genius, but not quite on the caliber of his ego.
7. What does Nash mean when he says, "The game is flawed"? Why does he say this? • Nash, with his mind for patterns and algorithms, created a strategy that

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