In the book written by Amy Chua titled Battle Hyman of the Tiger the author compares the different cultural upbringings between “tiger mother” a Chinese American women and her spouse, Jed a man from a liberal Jewish background. The Chinese mother was raised by what Westerners would considered to be strict, in regards to parenting. As a child her parents gave her very strict rules, curfew, academics, extracurricular activities were all under her parent’s complete dictation. “The tiger mother” uses these rules as well to prepare her children for success. Childhood to her, was remembered as an area in life where as a parent they would train their children to be strong, confident and successful. Jed, the father …show more content…
“Garments were arranged to display the patterns and quality of fabrics on all layers and add bulk to the body image. The more former the occasion or higher the status of the weaver, the more layers worn, with richer materials further indicating wealth.” Explained in Charlotte Jirousek article Islamic Clothing. Wearing the hijab was crucial while in public due to the exposer of the body. Any woman that was unveiled was viewed by men as a naked woman. Women should be covered to protect what is considered the men’s property at all times unless around immediate family in their homes. That is why “Women wear the Hijab around strangers (especially males) that they do not consider as part of their family. It is believed that this lessens the chance of them having bad thoughts about them, this includes sexual desires. They believe that the external part of a person is not important but what it inside.” Said in the article Why Do Woman Wear Hijab, Maureen. Women started to adapt to their cultural upbringings, they believed this was a way to keep themselves treasured. Some Islamic woman seen no harm in this, they didn’t feel as if the men dominated them, or were obeying them as their property. They felt as if all women should feel the need to be veiled so they’re not perceived as just a sex object. They would like men to be attentive to their personalities and mind not their looks. Today, women have more of a choice to be veiled. There are a lot of women who use the hijab and not the gown due to the evolving changes in fashion and liberal few points. They feel that it denies the women the freedom to decide on their own