As discussed, nurses face many challenges related to ethical and legal issues. The American Nurses Association Code of Nursing Ethics is the best guideline for nurses to use when facing these issues. Personal and societal values will also influence nurses faced with these issues but if nurses adhere to the Code of Ethics even though personal or societal values may be in conflict, they will not have to worry about legal issues pertaining to the care…
The ethical issues in nursing as well as the situations where such issues arise are being encountered by health practitioners on a daily basis. It is about time that nurses and nursing students learn how to manage and confront these kinds of situations in a professional manner. Expertise on the management of ethical issues in nursing should be given utmost importance in this day and age.…
Nurses are provided guidelines for how to approach the care of patients in the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics, but they are just that, guidelines. It is simply a map to help navigate some of the more difficult decisions that are necessary for a nurse to make. Ethics, in nursing, is based on individual interpretation. A person’s values shape their individual approaches to patients and patient care. The ANA document does not tell or indicate what is an absolute right or wrong. Each and every nurse has to make those decisions individually. Ethical knowledge and guidelines help a nurse maneuver through personal/professional relationships, to give safe and ethical care in an ever-changing healthcare system.…
Throughout a nurse’s professional career, many difficult ethical and legal situations will arise. Since nurses are given the unique privilege of caring for patients and their families, it is important to uphold certain professional standards. The American Nursing Association (ANA) Code of Nursing Ethics provides a foundation on which a nurse should conduct her professional life. In addition to the Code of Ethics, nurses must also balance their personal values along with legal standards to make the best decisions for their patients.…
In the United States, privacy and confidentiality are the basic rights of the society enshrined not only in professional practice codes of ethics but also in the constitution. Hence, nurses and for that matter, all health care professional have a legal, moral and ethical responsibility to protect patient's privacy.…
By using the theories learned through nursing education and practical experience nurses gain insight and use this to formulate answers to ethical questions. There are times when additional resources are needed. “Ethics committees in health care institutions should be educational and advisory in purpose. Generally, the function of the ethics committee should be to consider and assist in resolving unusual, complicated ethical problems involving issues that affect the care and treatment of patients within the health care institution.”(American Medical Association [AMA], 1994, ¶ 2) The recommendations given by an ethics committee do not have to be followed, but it is encouraged that those recommendations be given serious consideration. Ethics committees are typically made up of physicians, nurses and other providers of healthcare…
According to, “The American Nurses Association Code of Ethics”, this document sets standards for nurses. It exemplifies the role of the nurse and duties to be maintained. For instance, patient advocacy is an important factor to the code of ethics. Patient safety is to be a primary goal for the nurse. I believe this is crucial for all nurses to practice. Individuals in the hospital are not necessarily capable of always expressing their needs. Therefore, it is the nurses responsibility to advocate for the patient during times they cannot. For example, one time I was caring for a patient who did not understand their diagnosis. A team of residents came into this person’s room and overwhelmed them with information. Confused, the patient was unable to understand the complexity of the illness. However, I witnessed the nurse advocating for her patient. She stepped in as a voice, making sure the patient’s questions were answered before they left. For a patient it can be quite intimidating when a group of doctors come in talking about a disease process they have never encountered. So, it was satisfying to see the nurse advocate for the patient.…
As nursing professionals we must be guided by the Code of Ethics, which governs and guides us in the right way we should behave as professionals. According to the ANA there are nine provisions that rule the practice of the profession. These are: Autonomy that is the right to choose what happens to our own self. One must be capable to comprehend completely the informed information to make a choice with the four important components liberty, self-determination, independence and agency. Beneficence is the action one take to promote good and the obligation to assist others. Is one of the core values in health care ethics. Nonmaleficence were one should not do any harm and or impose risk of harm. Veracity one should always tell the truth. Giving…
Health care professionals are subject to a multitude of professional, legal, and ethical responsibilities which call for personal judgment to be utilized in such a manner as to protect clients as well as public wellness and interests. Overall considerations in handling such duties may be considered to be respect of a client’s autonomy, confidence, and recognition of obligations owed to all clients. While the aforementioned acts fall within the professional realm, there are also legal implications that guide care. Therefore, it can be said that ethical considerations occur in observation of legal responsibilities. Confidential information is perceived as private facts which are disclosed with the understanding that such information will not be divulged without proper consent (Cain, 1998). With ethics playing a pivotal role in the foundation of nursing, breachment of confidentiality can have ethical implications varying from patient mistrust, legal ramifications, and other unintended outcomes.…
legitimately finished (Menendez, 2013). Additionally, it also incorporates the specific treatment alternatives and medication, a client may require for their future and also their social and spiritual convictions (Olick, 2012). Initially, building a trust and a good rapport between healthcare professionals (nurse or a paramedic) and a patient is the crucial part to start conversation and any form of treatment on them. As per the law of consent and autonomy for medical treatment a client can be treated only if he or she giving consent for it after the client being informed everything about the treatment and plausible side effects (Olick, 2012). In case, the nurse or a paramedic is not able to get the consent from a client, both team members can be blamed for any damages happened (Vogel, 2010).…
As nurses we often find ourselves trapped in the center of ethical dilemmas between physicians, patients, family members, co-workers, and employers. In ethical dilemma our ethical values and ethical behavior guide us to provide the best care to our patients. In this paper I will define ethics value, my ethical values, and how did I developed them. Also, I will discuss how my ethical values have significant positive impact on my life, and ethical behavior that I want to develop in future.…
1) Confidentiality means that whatever information you hold on someone must not be shared with others. Information must be kept safe and private. You can only pass on information about someone if they have given their consent.…
There are attempts in the NHS to use a Cryptography Strategy where certain information will be encrypted. This can be accessed at the Department of Health website:" The 'Strategy for Cryptographic Support Services in the NHS', published in January 2001, set out aspirations and targets for the identification and implementation of appropriate technical, operational and management arrangements. These included requirements for both central infrastructure and national services, and the necessary functionality to enable data encryption, digital signing, authentication and non-repudiation services."…
Ethics and values form the basis of nursing. Nurses provide nursing care by preventing illness, reducing suffering and promoting restoration of health in individuals, families, societies and communities. Nursing involves technical skills and abilities, duty and service to others with compassion and efficient decision-making. Nursing care ensures in meeting the needs of patients and their families during the care to relieve from the consequences of sufferings. Nurses have to be vigilant enough to assess and assure to avoid unwanted treatments leading to patient suffering. Nurses promote and strive to ensure the health, safety and rights of patients. They have the responsibility to advance the profession by education, knowledge dissemination, evaluating, refining, and applying it in situations. They work in association with health professionals and public in promoting health, welfare and safety to public, community, nation and world bringing a social change by extending towards health related socio-cultural issues (The American Nurses Association, 2010). The personal, cultural and spiritual values do influence the nursing practice to support me to pursue the duties in an efficient way following all the nursing ethics. In order to ensure optimum patient care, I provide individual care with proper execution of tasks with compassion irrespective of the socio-economic conditions, personal attributes or nature of disease and develop a professional relationship with the patients providing nursing services with respect to human needs and values ensuring that the patient lives with physical, emotional, social and spiritual satisfaction.…
For the purpose of this assignment, ethics in relation to nursing will be discussed. "Ethics; A code of principles governing correct behaviour, which in the nursing profession includes behaviour towards patients and their families, visitorsand colleagues" (Oxford Dictionary of Nursing 2004).…