Subsequently, all that money earned were used to upgrade their army and weapons. With stronger troops and weaponry, the German army were more effective in defeating their opponents during the war and claiming their land, which was part of Hitler's proposal.
Supporting Argument #2: Hitler and the Nazi Party exterminated the Jews and all the other “undesirable” people through many different methods.
Context: “Holocaust: the events and their impact on real people” by Angela Wood, pg. 104
Evidence: “The squalid conditions and the brutal treatment from the guards made life in camp a degrading and dehumanizing experience for all those that Hitler despised.”
Analysis: Before gathering all those inferior groups and sending them to Auschwitz, the Nazi Party forces them to wear the Star of David, which later helped the Nazi Party gather the opposition groups easily. At Auschwitz, many died either from starvation from lack of food, torture from the guards’ brutal treatment, exhaustion from the hard labour, as well as being poisoned from the gas chambers and being used for cruel experiments. These methods were very effective because it helped Hitler accomplish his major goal, which was to kill all Jews and any other people who were not part of the “superior