Assignment 305 Understand person - centered approaches in adult social care settings
Task A Awareness Raising campaign
Individuality, rights, choice, privacy, independence, dignity, respect and partnership etc.
- Always ensuring the person is at the centre and
- Family and friends can be involved
- Finding out what is important for the individual now and in the future.
- Actively involving the individual with decisions about their life. - Individual being actively involved in their care plan
- Finding out their likes and dislikes
- Finding out what is important to them
- Being part of reviews, so they are able to voice their concerns
- Supported to exercise choice
- Finding out which way is best to support the individual or their preference
- Future wants and needs , put into to action , the way they want it
- Listening to the individual
- Promoting rights
- Encouraging independence
Explain why person centered values are important and how they influence social care work.
Every individual that requires support is unique. In each persons care plan there are details of their preferences. This needs to be respected. By helping individuals make informed decisions regarding there care and support you will be making them feel valued, empowered and motivated. Person centered values are important as you can treat everyone with consistency and empathy.
Aiii A poster that explains the factors which can contribute to wellbeing of individuals.
Regular exercise
Nutritional diet
Sufficient sleep
Spiritual or religious beliefs
Fun hobbies and leisure pursuits
Healthy self-esteem
Optimistic outlook
Realistic and achievable goals
Sense of purpose and meaning
A sense of belonging
The ability to adapt to change
Living in a fair and democratic society.
Task B Reflective Account
Write a reflective account detailing an example of how you have, or could have , used a person centered approach in a sensitive or complex situation.
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