You will notice that you need to look in different course books for some of the information and not all unit evidence correspond to the matching unit number
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Full name Elle McGregor-Colman
Address 12 Malmesbury Road
SN15 1PW
Student number EB1051725
Unit / Title - Understanding development and supporting equality, diversity and inclusion
Question 1
a. Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth to 19 years
From the very moment a baby is born, they are continually growing, developing and learning. All children follow a similar pattern of development, however, it can be at a different rate. A child’s milestones can be measured through various aspects of development, such as physical, cognitive, language, emotional and social skills.
Below is a guide to how milestones are measured, and the relevant age ranges:
0 - 6 months
Turn head towards noise or movement
Smile at familiar faces and voices
Lifts head briefly
Put everything in their mouths
Reaches up for an object
Gains comfort from sucking objects such as a dummy or a finger
Learns through touch when feeding
Watches mother whilst feeding
Responds to sounds and music
Responds to carers voice
Imitates carers facial expressions
Makes little ‘happy’ sounds such as cooing
Different cries for feeding, nappy changing, hungry, etc
Emotional and social
Responds to mothers face when feeding