88% feel proud when they save money
Two thirds budget more now than a year ago - 10% buy more on credit
71% upgrade big ticket items less frequently
23% are borrowing to get by
A third of mums think media has downplayed economic impact
43% think UK economy with never be the same again Statistics from Mumdex’s first report: http://www.marketingweek.co.uk/news/asda-to-reshape-business-around-mums/4000203.article Other results revealed that 90% of mums felt that the most important issue is offering products at the best possible prices. With the economic climate taking another downturn, ASDA felt it was necessary to see too the needs of its key customers by introducing more special offers and by increasing the shopping experience as a whole. With this research undertaken, ASDA So the next stage for ASDA was to appoint Momentum UK as its in-store events partner. Their objective being to introduce new ways of “Retailtainment” across stores all over the UK. Definition: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retailtainment Momentum will be responsible for enhancing ASDA’s key commercial trading occasions by creating a programme of events that will capture the imagination of its customers and complement its market position. The agency are also tasked with ensuring that the programme of events