Artifact Benchmark 2 :
Course EDUC 3123 Child and Adolescent Psychology Semester /Year Spring 2014
Reflective Commentary :
This artifact pertains to the relationship between human/child cognitive development intertwined with their individual level of human functioning and education. With the aid of the brilliant intellectual minds of cognitive/educational theorists: Jean Piaget, Erik Erikson and Lev Vygotsky observations, beliefs, functions, expectations and predictions are revealed for growing humans simplified into separate age groups based on their age associated with their level of cognitive development. Swiss theorist Jean Piaget had his long withstanding theory of the four ‘Stages …show more content…
I, through my newly attained education in this field of cognitive study, will have the capability to make own personal observations on an individual student. Not only that, but furthermore, I will have the attained ability to go even further from my observations and make recommendations to the individual student concerned, their loved ones or fellow faculty members about a specific trait in the their human cognitive development associated with their education. These observations and recommendations are abundant. For example, due to my knowledge of cognitive development, I may ask for a second opinion whether or not a child may need assistance from an educator that specializes in special education. I may encourage the large physically developed child to pursue a sport as I think he or she will excel in that field and ultimately attain happiness whilst participating in that activity whilst personally and socially continuing to grow. I may recognize a student with an unusual amount of emotion, I can either refer them to the school counselor if that emotion was deemed negative from my observation, or on a positive note I could encourage the child to join the drama club as I think he or she will be comfortable and happy in that realm as an extracurricular activity. My newfound and ongoing understanding of cognitive development associated with education has made me better prepared and more confident in myself to enter the workforce of educating society’s youth. I not only understand who they individually are as an academic figure, but more importantly who they are as a child and what positive and or negative cognitive developmental traits they