The editorial primarily focuses on comparing Canada's healthcare system with the U.S. system, and uses many statistics. One statistic used to support their argument is that, "The U.S. spends far more on health care than any other country – 16.6 per cent of gross domestic product, compared to just 10 per cent in Canada." The author's point in using this statistic is that the U.S. pays more money for worse healthcare. Another statistic used is that the amount of people without healthcare is equal to the population of Canada. The author also addresses the fact that Canadian healthcare is nowhere near perfect, and could improve, but is significantly better than the United
The editorial primarily focuses on comparing Canada's healthcare system with the U.S. system, and uses many statistics. One statistic used to support their argument is that, "The U.S. spends far more on health care than any other country – 16.6 per cent of gross domestic product, compared to just 10 per cent in Canada." The author's point in using this statistic is that the U.S. pays more money for worse healthcare. Another statistic used is that the amount of people without healthcare is equal to the population of Canada. The author also addresses the fact that Canadian healthcare is nowhere near perfect, and could improve, but is significantly better than the United