The history of recreational marijuana usage goes far back, to thousands of years ago. Even today, despite being illegal in most countries, it is widely used.
Marijuana has actually been legal for most of human history. It was only in the 1930s that wide-spread prohibition took place. Marijuana was outlawed on the basis of several claims: It was believed to make people violent, it encouraged white women to engage in sexual relations with black men, and was used by paedophiles to draw children in. No scientific evidence or testing was provided to back up these claims.
Today, medical marijuana is continually being …show more content…
There is no established link between crime or health issues and marijuana usage.
The US Institute of Medicine, as early as 1999, has determined that alcohol and nicotine are generally the first drugs people use. It is only after this, due its wide-spread usage, that marijuana is used.
Clearly the ideas behind opposition to legalisation are flawed.
There are several examples of legalisation of marijuana with successful results. Consider Colorado, the US state that implemented legalisation over a year ago. Impaired driving rates, violent crime rates and overall drug usage among young people have all dropped since marijuana was legalised. The legalisation has also created thousands of jobs.
Marijuana is safer than many legal drugs and was outlawed on the basis of false, unscientific claims. The incredible advantages associated with its legalisation (in terms of taxation, regulation and weakening the black market) cannot be overlooked by false ideas and a system of prohibition that does not