“And very little is known about these free-ranging, village dogs.” His team rectified that by collecting blood samples from 549 village dogs in 38 countries across 6 continents. “I did my Ph.D. work with tropical butterflies; by comparison, working with dogs is fantastic,” he adds. “You don’t need to hunt them down with a net. You show up, you have food, there are dogs.” (http://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2015/10/genetic-study-writes-yet-another-origin-story-for-dogs/411196/) Dogs have always been considered “Mans Best Friend.” However that title has barely lived up to it’s name when there are still dogs all around the world that get abused and murdered by their owners. Dogs who get dropped off in the middle of nowhere because their owners just can’t keep up with them anymore. Dogs who are euthanized because they’ve been in the pound so long and there is no hope for them to ever be rescued, may that be because of old age or even a history of biting people. Dogs are not born monsters, humans created the idea. Dogs may hurt you because of their past experiences with lousy …show more content…
The clouded leopard does not roar like other big cats, nor does it groom or rest like small cats. The cheetah is unique because it is a running cat; all others are leaping cats. They are leaping cats because they slowly stalk their prey and then leap on it. (http://facts.randomhistory.com/interesting-facts-about-cats.html)
Did you know that the shape of a dog’s face can actually predict how long it will live? Dogs with shorter faces typically live shorter lives than dogs with a long face, this is because it’s more difficult for a dog with a short face to breathe causing lung, heart and blood pressure problems.
Puppies are actually born blind, deaf and toothless. Their teeth don’t usually start to come in until they're three months old. Their eyes and ears take about a month or longer to come in. Touch is the first sense they will develop, their entire body from head to paw is covered with touch-sensitive nerve endings. It takes approximately eighteen muscles for a dog to move it