“Our nation was founded on a bedrock principle. “We are all created equal”...This morning the Supreme Court recognize that the constitution guarantee marriage equality. Doing so, they reaffirm that all American are entitle to the equal protection of the law. That all people should be treated equally regardless of who they are, or whom they love…”(Whitehouse). This is part of a speech made by President Barrack Obama after the Supreme Court passed the decision on marriage equality on June 26, 2015. In the past 30 plus years, marriage equality has been a constant issue that we cannot avoid. It is an issue that is often on the news and for some it affects the outcome of their lives. There are always two sides to any debate …show more content…
Those are marriages are strictly between a man and a woman and marriage is a privilege, not a right. In bible it is often quotes that marriage is a union between a man and a woman. So in the case of Baker v. Nelson, the Supreme Court of Minnesota found that “the institution of marriage as a union of man and woman, uniquely involving the procreation and rearing of children within an family is as old as the book of Genesis” (Gay Marriage - ProCon.org). So two couple of the same sex getting married is contradictory to that belief. Many Christian believers believe that it is morally wrong to allow same-sex marriage. These can be attributed to religious texts. Oppose group of marriage equality believe that marriage is a privilege and not a right. The classes that are protect under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 include “(1) a history of longstanding, widespread discrimination, (2) economic disadvantage, and (3) immutable characteristics… ‘Sexual Orientation’ does not meet any of the three objective criteria shared by the historically protected civil rights categories” (Gay Mariage – ProCon.org). Same-sex marriage contradicts nature. Two people of the same sex will never be able to marry because it is biologically