In the 1824 presidential election, there were five Democratic – Republican candidates. Andrew Jackson won 43% of the popular vote and John Quincy Adams received 30%. Jackson won 99 electoral votes and Adams won 84. Even though Jackson had more votes, he did not receive the majority. Adams chose Henry Clay as secretary of State and Clay persuaded House of Representatives to vote for Adams. Andrew Jackson loses. Jackson wins next election, brought up Corrupt bargain. Saw as cheap and corrupt by many.
2. The Spoils System
Jackson awarded personal friends and financial supporters with government job positions. Jackson introduced the system for rotation of jobs. He believed that long service resulted in corruption and rotation at regular intervals was needed. Cornerstone of Jacksonian democracy. Later used by other Presidents and elected government officials.
3. National-Republicans
Jackson won the election of 1828, Adams supporters found party opposed to Jackson. Held a convention at Baltimore in December 1831 to decide next nominee for Presidency. Chose Henry Clay for the 1832 election. Supported Clay’s high tariffs, internal improvements, and national bank. Jackson vetoed the Second Bank of the United States. Clay was beaten. Combined with other groups to form Whig Party in 1836.
4. Democrat Rpublicans
1790-1810. Tomas Jefferson was DR in election of 1796. Many were former Antifederalists. Democrats Rep. opposed National Bank and taxes to support industry. Favored state banks and little industry. They believed in a weak central government, state and individual rights and strict representation of Constitution. They felt that France was the US’s most important ally. Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr won election of 1800. Jefferson as Pres. And Burr as VP. Jefferson changed gov’t from Federalist to Democratic-Republican.
5. Tariff of Abomination
Nickname by South to the tariff of 1828. Passed by Congress to protect the northern