In this paper I will make an assessment of Jay W. in regards to his drug use/abuse and evaluate him for treatment recommendations. My assessment will involve an interview with Jay W. in order to determine the scope of the problem and evaluate him for a possible substance use disorder. In the event that Jay W. is found to have a substance use disorder, I will then continue with treatment recommendations.…
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration has conducted national surveys to monitor alcohol use prevalence and trends since the early 1960s, very few of these surveys have measured psychiatric syndromes that constitute alcohol dependence (Department of Health and Human Services, 1993; Johnston et al., 1992). Estimates of alcohol use alone are not informative in determining the magnitude and characteristics of that subgroup of alcohol users who are experiencing serious alcohol-related problems that require treatment or in determining the critical relationship between alcohol use and dependence. Therefore, in order to diagnosis it correctly; a thorough detailed correlation must be assessed.…
Drug History and Current Pattern of Use: Martha has a history of alcohol use disorder. Client has stated she has eight to twelve drinks a day, never having fewer than five drinks. Substance Abuse Treatment History: The client has no history of substance abuse treatment. Medical History and Current Status: Doctors have reported Martha has impacted liver function and is developing cirrhosis of the liver.…
What other information would you like to learn during the interview with the family? What questions would you ask?…
There are several treatment modalities available for individuals with substance abuse disorder. It’s wonderful that there are so many options to support people with substance abuse issues (SUD). The road to recovery is so long for most people and finding the most suitable treatment program can be greatly beneficial to the client. On the other hand, starting a treatment program that is not the best fit can be very detrimental to the person’s road to recovery. One of the roles of the clinician is to identify with the client which treatment option is best for them. I will highlight what this process looks like and discuss in detail one specific…
Mr. and Mrs. Lawson brought their 4-year-old adopted daughter, Clara, to see Dr. Mason, a psychiatrist. Clara was polite in greeting Dr. Mason, but did not smile and kept her gaze down as she took a seat. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson sat next to Clara and began explaining their concerns. They described Clara as a quiet child who has recently begun throwing temper tantrums, during which she is inconsolable. Her sleep and eating patterns have changed, and she no longer wants to go to preschool.…
Luis is a 32-year-old male who immigrated to the U.S. when he was 14. He later became a US citizen. Although, Spanish is his native language, he speaks English extremely well. He recently returned to living with his parents after being laid off from being a semi-skilled auto worker 6 months ago. Luis is the middle of three children. He has a younger sister and older brother, his brother is away at college. Just prior to being laid off, he became involved with a young woman he claims is “the woman I’m going to marry.” He lives with his parents after being laid-off 6 months ago when he was living with friends. He was able to find a job where he works as a pizza delivery person. His mother was diagnosed with depression following the family’s move from Puerto Rico. Luis completed high school and one year of vocational training.…
While, addressing how alcoholism possibly affects Janet’s major depression in her counseling sessions seems to fall within the professional counselor’s scope of practice, the direct treatment of alcoholism does not. According to state statutes, the treatment of chemical dependency is done by a licensed professional other than the professional counselor, who specializes in such training. For the professional counselor to do so would be to practice outside the scope of…
This data provides basic diagnostic information in relation to the client before, during, and after treatment for substance use issues, and as a way to assess change in client status and treatment outcome (Grissom & Bragg, 1991); provides data on recent and lifetime problems in the seven areas, and provides an overview of substance use issues, rather than focusing on any single area in the client’s life (Allen, et al., 2003). Although it has been used with the mentally ill, pregnant, prisoner, gambler, and homeless populations its main use is for adults in substance use treatment…
People with severe mental disorders also experience a co-occurring substance abuse problem; approximately 50% of individuals with a mental disorder are also affected by substance abuse; 37% are alcohol abusers, 53% drug abusers (Medline). This is also called dual diagnosis which is when someone has a mental disorder and alcohol or drug dependence (Medline). It occurs with depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, or personality disorders (Medline). The interviewee for this paper has been dually diagnosed with depression and has a history of alcohol/l…
LC is a 65 y/o caucasian female diagnosed with small cell carcinoma of lung. Introduced self to patient, explained assessment procedure to patient. Patient awake alert, oriented x 3, pleasant and follows commands. PERL, mucus membranes pale, lips dry and cracked. Multiple small bruises on bilateral arms and on legs. No further skin breakdown observed. Port-a-cath left upper chest under skin, no redness around site, port is not accessed at this time. No JVD observed. Patient states she has been coughing up small amounts of blood, lungs with bilateral crackers and diminished sounds in left lower lobe of lung. Respirations unlabored 18 rpm, no use of accessory muscles.Patient states she has to use 2 pillows at night to sleep. Oxygen @ 2L per nasal cannula, patient wears 24/7. Heart rate and rhythm regular, S1/S2 auscultated, apical pulse 68, no gallops noted, no murmurs auscultated. Abdomen soft, nontender to palpation, scar from belly button to pelvis (patient has history of C-section and hysterectomy), Bowel sounds present and active x 4 quadrants, patient states that last BM was normal earlier this AM. Patient states that she has frequent nausea and vomiting. Patient voiding without difficulty, at times has stress incontinence. Urine dark. No edema observed. Patient moves all extremities with weakness bilaterally. Patient's gait unsteady, states she just doesn't have good balance. Patient walks with cane. Patient walks less than 50 feet and becomes short of breath. Education given on signs and symptoms of dehydration and the need to increase fluid intake and notify doctor if unable to void. Patient verbalizes understanding.…
Jan Williams needs for mental health services became more apparent, she could no longer overlook the need for services. She looked through the yellow pages of the phone book at the various providers and found a company by the name of St. Mary’s Home Care Agency, Inc. that provided an array of services, one to include Outpatient Mental Health services. She called the number and requested help for her special needs, because she was hearing voices and her mood swings were horrible. To start the process the secretary forwarded her call to the Intake Specialist, who in turn asked her some personal questions for the referral process. Some of the answers included her name, date of birth, address, telephone number and an emergency contact number.…
I would being by asking Mr. and Mrs. Lawson basic questions concerning the family’s history regarding any similar symptoms that other family members may have displayed. I would also ask if there were any changes in the family setting, such as relocating or if other family members have recently relocated. I would also ask Mr. and Mrs. Lawson specific details about the symptoms regarding Clara’s eating patterns, and sleeping patterns, and how long this has been occurring. I would also engage Clara into conversation, so that her direct responses could be included in the conversation, so that I would have a better understanding on the lack of eye contact when talking.…
1. Mental health and addictions are both rooted in a complex and variable combination of biology, genetics, and life experience — particularly exposure to stress and trauma. Effective clinical approaches used to treat mental health problems and addictions, need to have strong emphasis on the continuum of care — an integrated and unified method of treatment. This should include mental health and addiction services, personnel, and service levels that address and support the needs of individual clientele in treatment within this continuum. To be effective, treatment for concurrent disorders must address the client’s substance abuse, mental state as well as associated medical and negative lifestyle impacts as a result of their CD.…
References: Alcohol and Drug Treatment Referrals (2006). Retrieved January 26, 2006 from Google search.…