Psychology in a whole has evolved, from the days of the ancient Greek
philosophers who’s beliefs that the void in our knowledge needed to be addressed so that
we would understand the natural world in more rational manner. Many of the students
who became teachers moved on to accomplished many great things. Aristotle ground
breaking developing philosophical approach seems to foreshadow many of the critical
ideas for the future of psychology opening the doors for psychologist, such as William
James and Edward B. Titchner. Their beliefs would further the evolution to great lengths.
Based upon experimentation James believed that the mind and body are of one entity, he
sought to blur …show more content…
In which
Sigmund Freud emphasizes on the role of using the past to create great things in the
future as a key concept to understanding psychoanalytic theory.
In the mid 1800s a Russian doctor by the name of Ivan Pavlov was credited as
first describing what is called “classical conditioning”. Though his studies where of his
pets they sparked a major movement in psychology known as behaviorism, Well into the
mid 1900s two doctors arose with a new level of Dr. Pavlov’s experiments, Psychologist John Watson and B. F. Skinner sought to explain behavior without resorting to such
concepts of an inner consciousness or other nonphysical explanations. They believed
behavior could be broken down into stimulus and response.
Often referred to as the Third Force, humanistic theory is based on the existential
concept that humans have free will and are conscious of their existence and the decisions
they make. Humanistic Psychology witnessed an emergence new perspective in the mid
1900s with psychologists Rollo May, Carl Rogers leading the way in developing this