
Animal Farm And A Utopian Society

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Animal Farm And A Utopian Society
Based on George Orwell's Animal Farm a utopian society can not be achieved. A perfect world is impossible to achieve because you will always get someone who takes charge and overrules the people.

In the book the animals successfully rebel from the owner of the farm, Mr. Jones. After the rebellion as a whole the animals set up some rules and commandments. At this point the animals feel that they have created a utopia, or a perfect world. They feel they can work hard for a while and then be rewarded with retirement.

Eventually there becomes a superior group of animals that convince the rest of the animals that they are of higher intelligence. With this in mind they then told them that the elite group, the pigs, deserved more of the delicacies such as milk and apples. The pigs declared that these foods increased their abilities to do the brain work. The pigs also take over the house and begin to adopt many of the evil habits of man. In reality the pigs forced the other animals in to doing all of the manual labor so that they could reap the benefits solely for themselves. This is the sole reason that a utopian society can not be achieved. The pigs, or higher forms of government can only hold the respect of the people for so long until they eventually go back to the old ways, and the utopia is

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