Essay Analysis: Revelation
1. The title of this short story is Revelation and was published in 1965.
2. The author’s name is Flannery O’Connor, 1925-1964.
3. Mrs. Turpin is the main character of this short story and proves to be a dynamic character. In the beginning of the story Mrs. Turpin immediately starts judging everyone in the waiting room of the doctor’s office. While observing these people she was thinking to herself how grateful she was that she was a white woman with a nice home and land as opposed to being “white trash” or black. She even says that she believes that poverty stricken black people cannot get into Heaven because they don’t measure up to certain standards. She views poor and black people to be lesser than her until the very end of the …show more content…
I personally enjoyed Revelation because it proved how important equality is and that is something I believe in whole-heartedly. Even though I realize that times have changed, the harsh language O’Connor used was offending and showed how words can hurt and how the result of using one word can make someone feel. Being raised in the South, even in today’s world, I hear racist terms used multiple times a day. This story made me feel grateful that I was raised in a home that stands behind equality and helping the poor. If I had been a Mary Grace’s shoes, it would have been hard for me not to do the same thing she did. To me it is a shame that there are people in this world who think that slavery was a good and humane thing. It is an embarrassment that people are still racist and cannot get their minds around how important equality is. As a whole, Flannery O’Connor made an excellent point about equality, especially at the end of the story. At the end of life, no matter what color your skin is or how much money you made, everyone gets into Heaven the same way. This story opened my eyes and made me realize all over again how much our world needs equality to function properly and to be