Richard Sherman, a premier athlete in the NFL, is what one would want to see in a student athlete. In high school, he was the salutatorian(second in his class) and graduated with a 4.2 GPA, while putting in the demanding hours required to be an elite athlete. He attended Stanford and continued his academic excellence, while maintaining that NFL prospect status. In an interview, Sherman was asked his stance on college athlete treatment: “While student athletes are being offered a free education, they do not have the time or enough opportunities to take advantage of that education. These athletes are being cut short and not getting what they deserve.” They are given a scholarship for school, yet they are expected …show more content…
For example, the University of Arizona just went through a big time scandal involving paying college athletes. One recruiting tactic used by tons of colleges is paying or bribing athletes to come to their school with cash or tangible items. These colleges get in tons of trouble and the players do as well. They usually use these tactics on poor recruits and these athletes receive pressure from their families to accept the offering. To help their family financially they accept the offer from a college and most of the time it goes unnoticed, but when these athletes get caught the consequences are tremendous. The athlete at Arizona had his reputation tarnished and his NBA dreams were crushed as well; all because he was trying to help out his family and did not want to struggle financially. So obviously under the table there are transactions happening and I feel that if the NCAA made paying college athletes legal less programs would get in trouble and the NCAA would no longer be corrupt. This would also make the NCAA more balanced because the bigger programs with more excess money would not be able to sway athletes with all this extra money. There are a ton of solutions to this problem, they could just make this bribing legal, they could make a salary system, or some kind of reward system for players. If a college were to make a salary based system for their college athletes it should be a single base salary only because every program spends roughly the same amount of time putting in tons of work even if they do not bring in as much money. If the NCAA were to make a stipend system along with commissions I feel that would be the best option. These players could receive commissions for jersey sales and possibly have some type of reward system that goes along with some kind of base salary so that athletes that do not play a lot are still able to