The football player is running away from the police who is trying to catch him, however the player appears to be far ahead of them and winning the game. The fact that the football player is still holding a football and located in a stadium shows that the player is actually still playing the game despite his recent hold up with the law. The player is a symbol for the NFL as a whole having too much power through money and media. The NFL is shown to be able to escape the law and cover up potential criminals all for the sport to continue its own legacy. The visual of this message is conveyed by the atmosphere presented in the photo, which leads to…
The respondent, Johnson, participated in a political demonstration outside the republican national convention in Dallas in 1984. Approximately100 protestors demonstrated against the Reagan Administration and certain Dallas-based corporations by marching and chanting through the streets, overturning plants, spray painting walls, and staging “die-ins” to protest nuclear war. Johnson did not participate in these activities. During the demonstration, Johnson was handed an American flag, which had been stolen from a flagpole by another protestor. When the demonstration ended, Johnson doused the American flag with kerosene and set it on fire. Protesters chanted political slogans while the flag burned. Witnesses reported that no one was physically injured or threatened during the flag burning. Several witnesses testified they…
It has been argued that Colin Kaepernick kneeling while the National Anthem is playing, is absolutely ridiculous, is not showing support for love of this country, and not showing support to the veterans. In “The Perilous Fight,” Jim Brown, a NFL Hall of Famer and a civil rights activist. Told Time, “I would not do anything that has to do with respecting the flag or the national anthem. I don’t think it’s appropriate.” In other words Jim Brown would challenge the normal of standing for the Anthem, no matter the severity of the situation. For this reason opponents argue that Colin Kaepernick kneeling down is not right for him to be testing the flag; but it’s not also right for the police of America to be able to go on a killing spree and have…
What’s the first thing that comes to your head when you hear that someone took a knee while the National Anthem? Would you say, kneeling while the National Anthem is being played as “disrespectful?”, or “unpatriotic?” On August 26, 2016, Colin Kaepernick took a knee before a football game. In the article “Colin Kaepernick and the Question of Who Gets to Be Called a ‘Patriot’ ” written by Wesley Morris, Wesley Morris feels like Colin Kaepernick is showing a certain type of patriotism that’s not accepted in modern day society.…
When colin was four years old the Kaepernick's moved to Turlock a town/city in California. At the age of eight years old Colin began playing football and soon fell in love with the sport. In high school Colin was the main pitcher for his team throwing an almost 100mph ball every time, but Colin was determined to be a football player. At a young age Colin even wrote a letter saying that in the future he would play Pro football for the San Francisco 49ers. When college scouts came to look at the senior a lot of the major schools did not give him a scholarship for football because they thought that his arm was no longer strong and powerful enough for their team.…
There is a significant controversy happening right now in the NFL concerning the National Anthem. During the start of every game the National Anthem is sung, and the players stand up and direct themselves towards the flag and place their right hand over their hearts. Recently, some players have not been standing up, not showing up as in staying in their locker rooms until the anthem ends, taking a knee, or linking arms. Although some might think this is disrespectful, it’s all in solidarity to protest against injustice and inequality. This all started after The President of the United States, Donald Trump, bashed the NFL claiming that the owners of the teams should fire the players who won't stand up for the anthem while using some vulgar…
If any player decides to pull their pants down in the middle of the game to moon the audience that would be a distraction. Sport fans act as if Tebow’s public display of his faith on the field is more polarizing than someone who pulls down their paints in the middle of the field. Fans who are appalled about Tebow’s personal beliefs on the field are over reacting Anyone who agrees to ban personal beliefs on the field should also ban tattoos, because they mean the same. This sports critic says, “Tebow’s behavior is polarizing because he appears to ignore or at least not acknowledge that the world of religious belief is complicated and diverse…”(Watson 232). This critic should realize that the popular art of the tattoo is the same as these personal beliefs but yet more harmful. Pro athletes who showcase their tattoos on their bodies make many different statements including statements on religion and no one says anything about them. Tattoos are equally as polarazing as the personal statements Tebow makes, because tattoos have many health risks to them along with many different meanings. Some sport fans who disagree with Tebow’s public actions overlook the fact that tattoos permanently mark the skin and children who see their favorite athlete marked up with tattoos will influence them to get a tattoo at some point in their life. Therefore, Tebow is the better influence. If some fans are upset about athletes showcasing their personal beliefs on the field their tattoos on their bodies should be covered up along with everyone’s First Amendment Right of free speech. Everyone has the right of free speech including these pro athletes and what they do on the field is their business even though it might be in front of the…
In “Let Athletes Love Their Country in Their Own Ways” by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, the author references Sam Kendricks’s and Colin Kaepernick’s public displays of political expression to explain that true patriotism is when a person is willing to make sacrifices to their personal gain in order to promote their problems with the government. This article was published on August 30th, 2016 in the Washington Post. The United States in currently encapsulated in various civil rights issues such as problems with gay rights, women’s rights, and racial equality. Abdul-Jabbar uses Kendrick and Kaepernick to illuminate what happens when a famous person makes a patriotic act to stand up for these rights.…
Imagine being penalized for performing an action within the rights of all American citizens. Athletes are being punished for using their platform and not standing for the National Anthem. However, standing for the anthem is not a required action American citizen must do by law. Standing for the national anthem is an acti9n U.S. citizens are expected to do. However, athletes are not standing for the anthem to make a political statement about a belief. Furthermore, athletes should have a choice to stand for the National anthem without being…
To deny the existence of racism in America is cowardice. America needs to address racism in this country. Colin Kaepernick is doing just that. Kaepernick did what many hero’s do; risk everything while preserving and sticking with what he believed in, even if it resulted in him getting blackballed in the NFL. Colin Kaepernick is an example of a modern-day hero, through risking everything, starting the conversation, and not backing down.…
A. Attention Getter: After the Giants won the Super Bowl in 2012, they did what most football teams do to celebrate. After going to Disneyworld, they held a parade through the streets of New York. During the parade, a fight broke out between a Giants fan and, of course, a Jets fan, the cause of which might seem obvious. Immediately, spectators did what anyone might do when they see a fight break out. They…..pulled out their phones and videotaped it. And from the videos, and there were many, we can see no one, not a single person, jump in and try to break the fight up.…
“Speak when you are angry– and you will make the best speech you’ll ever regret.”- Laurence J. Peter. Words are powerful tools that can build up, tear down, discourage, encourage, bring life, or bring death (Asyndeton). Words have always been impactful, but in the last 30 years the way words can affect people have increased dramatically in scope. With the widespread use of cell phones and the advent of social media, words and ideas travel in the blink of an eye, regardless of the content. Sadly, many people find themselves regretting the words that were spoken over the web, over the phone or in open air; such is the case of Richie Incognito. Incognito is an offensive lineman on the Miami Dolphins who is praised by many as extremely talented. Although his athletic talent is impressive, it does not overshadow his anger issues. Throughout his career as a football player, the inability to control emotions has been his downfall, which has contributed to one of the biggest scandals in National Football League history. The organization that has defined American sports, that attracts millions of viewers from all walks of life and provides common ground for all people, is experiencing a dishonor that brings into question everything the NFL stands for. (Periodic Sentence)…
Kaeprnick says he sat down during the national anthem because of the racism acts happening against the black community, as shown with all the recent cop shootings. I am not saying that some cops will not target blacks, nevertheless there are numerous respectful ways in which an individual could take a stand without causing countless other problems. No one should disrespect their country, no matter the reason. Accordingly, it does not help when groups of individuals run around destroying cities by rioting. If these individuals keep making more of a mess of this subject, then it will never become better. If a cop targeted someone in my family and killed them, I would become irate, so I can understand how these families might feel. Making a peaceful stand would create a greater impact than the rioting that countless individuals has done as of late. These individuals should not allow their feelings to affect their ability to perceive the outcome of their actions.…
The controversy on this matter began last season when former 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the national anthem. His attempt to bring attention to police brutality and racial discrimination for those of color. Kaepernick’s acts were foolish and uncalled for. Many people felt his actions were inappropriate and disrespectful. Kaepernick’s actions were copied at the beginning of the 2017…
I lay here in Down Town Kansas City using my last bit of energy to write these details. A little over 72 hours ago, Angry Kansas City Chiefs fans formed a huge riot taking over the city. The mass riot resulted from their hometown team securing its first winless season in franchise history. Angry fans took to the streets after the devastating home loss to the Oakland Raiders. Soon as the game ended Chiefs Quarterback Catt Massel was apprehended and taken to an unknown location. The angry fans resorted to an ancient ritual of sacrifice hoping that executing the infamous QB would bring a winning season to their franchise. Even the fans who weren’t super angry didn’t oppose this idea…I would like to say that the angry riot didn’t just end in the streets of Kansas City though, driven by jealousy and hatred the fans took the highways targeting every city in America who was home to a NFL franchise. One of the first stops made though was the home of the NFL Commissioner… But for some strange reason he was no where to be found when things were getting really serious. As the rampage and violence raged on across America, the innocent people called for salvation, someone to rescue them from the new “Red Scare” as the rioters had been dubbed. One day though a group of unqualified men and women came to the rescue! They were the replacements, the replacements vowed to do anything in their power to stop the destruction of the Red Scare. There was one epic battle that would settle the fate of the American Civilization, the battle took place in Arrowhead Stadium where the destruction first started. The replacements took a valiant charge at the angry rioters but wave after wave of replacements were shut down by the Red Scare.. Ultimately the replacements were mowed down by the mass amounts of rioters. The last hope for the American People had been defeated… The Chief fans had finally won something. Wait ? They…