English 1010
Dr. Bruce
8 October 2014
The American Dream: It’s Your Choice Americans have the opportunity to make our own decisions. The dictionary defines the American Dream as the ideals of freedom, equality and opportunity traditionally held to be available to every American. With this definition in mind, a person should not base their American Dream on the ideas of others. The American Dream is a flexible concept that can fit the individual expectations of many different Americans. I believe the American Dream is a social ideal based on equality in social, political, and economic rights and privileges. In our Declaration of Independence, our Founding Fathers state “...that all men are created equal, that they are blessed by their creator with certain inviolable rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." I consider these words to be the foundation of the American Dream. The United States is well known as “The Land of Opportunity,” with the American Dream focused around hard work being the recipe to success. The American Dream is a goal for the majority of people who live in the realms of the Americanized world. I believe that the American Dream is controlling my own destiny, becoming successful, and living free. The American Dream is success, freedom, and being able to control your own destiny. My idea of the American Dream is similar to the example given in class; I want a successful career, a home, and a family. I want to be successful and have a useful set of skills in my career field that enable me to compete in the American and global market.
A successful career is the foundation that makes it possible for me to achieve my dreams of supporting a family and living in the home that I desire; this is my dream. It may sound common but it is my own vision. My idea of the American Dream is not the same as everybody else.
Someone else may have a different idea that is not like my own. Becoming successful