Debora Hikes
Mrs. Wood
Acc. English 1; Per. 0
Have you ever been influenced by someone you’ve never met? Maybe the person is a famous movie star, or a super hero, or even a singer. In my case, I have been most influence in the art of dance by Chachi, or Olivia, from America’s Best Dance Crew’s “I aM mE” performers. Every single one of them had shocking dance moves and stunning stage presence, but Chachi outshined them all. She has carried on to inspire me throughout her bravery, hard work, and performance throughout her entertaining career. Everyone knows what it is like to be called “young” or “under-aged”. But on the hit MTV show, Chachi was the youngest girl in any of the dance crews to perform, only fourteen years old. That’s the age most of us in ninth grade are! To be surrounded by all of those older, experienced dancers defines the word “stressful”. The intimidation would almost be overwhelming, but Chachi held her head up and worked harder. Not only this, but she performed with all of these dancers in front of millions of people every week! Her and her dance crew had to memorize every step so precisely, and dissect it into little choreographed routines that would mesmerize every audience viewing. With the judges meticulously watching their every move, they could be voted off the show at any mistake. But along with bravery, comes hard work. Although Chachi was known for making her dance moves look like they were simple, they took countless amounts of hard work. Her team conjured up dances every week that they were positive would please the eye. They succeeded every single time, astonishing the judges and fans with their rhythmic movements and formations. Some who don’t know the fine art of dancing could argue that it couldn’t be that difficult to make a dance routine. But with dance, especially hip-hop, it is both physically and mentally stressful to endure. You must remember every single step and hit it just right,