If you look at this from their perceptive, their way of doing things are far more superior. This being that they eliminate unnecessary effort on people and only focus on teaching them the information they need to function in their careers. Compared to us they are a lot more efficient because in our world everyone is educated the same way and many do not even need the knowledge they learn to continue in life and it all goes to waste in my opinion, but if we follow their example we might be able to save a lot of time, effort, and even money from teaching people unnecessary things. Another thing that is different from our world is that they encourage sexual activities and cheating at a very young age. Here you might think that it is very strange to allow and encourage such behaviors but they would disagree and instead feel our way of doing things is strange. In pg.38 of the book the quote " It's just that this little boy seems rather reluctant to join in the erotic play" it shows that it's almost wrong to not be interested or participate in something so common in their world. One of the most biggest things that stood out
If you look at this from their perceptive, their way of doing things are far more superior. This being that they eliminate unnecessary effort on people and only focus on teaching them the information they need to function in their careers. Compared to us they are a lot more efficient because in our world everyone is educated the same way and many do not even need the knowledge they learn to continue in life and it all goes to waste in my opinion, but if we follow their example we might be able to save a lot of time, effort, and even money from teaching people unnecessary things. Another thing that is different from our world is that they encourage sexual activities and cheating at a very young age. Here you might think that it is very strange to allow and encourage such behaviors but they would disagree and instead feel our way of doing things is strange. In pg.38 of the book the quote " It's just that this little boy seems rather reluctant to join in the erotic play" it shows that it's almost wrong to not be interested or participate in something so common in their world. One of the most biggest things that stood out