Alcoholism is not something that can be treated alone many times. The more a person is dependent on alcohol in their lives, the more their brain attempts to convince themselves that they do not need help and that if they stop drinking their lives will be worse. In each testimony given, everyone had a different way they initially made their approach to get better, whether it be rehab or Alcoholic Anonymous meetings, but the one thing they all had in common was that the more meetings they attended the meetings the easier the healing process was. They all said that when they begin to miss meetings it would cause the urge to give in to the temptation to drink, and sometimes they did give
Alcoholism is not something that can be treated alone many times. The more a person is dependent on alcohol in their lives, the more their brain attempts to convince themselves that they do not need help and that if they stop drinking their lives will be worse. In each testimony given, everyone had a different way they initially made their approach to get better, whether it be rehab or Alcoholic Anonymous meetings, but the one thing they all had in common was that the more meetings they attended the meetings the easier the healing process was. They all said that when they begin to miss meetings it would cause the urge to give in to the temptation to drink, and sometimes they did give