Their information not only showed that people of color were always more likely to have their vehicles searched and more likely to be prosecuted than whites. It showed that all the information obtained in the state of Illinois showed that African American and Latinos were always the targeted group of people by the criminal justice system. This is always done by racial profiling by police departments that’s how it initially begins people of color get stopped if anything is found they get held responsible, yet someone white could of driving pass and possessed the same type of vehicle. Since that’s what officers initially look at on how suspicious the vehicle is will determine if a vehicle will be pulled over, yet they choose the person of color than the person who is not considered colored to be pulled …show more content…
From being influenced by an outside organization such as the Ku Klux Klan. To using imprisonment as a form to keep African Americans as slaves indeed. This has come to show how the system isn’t truly colorblind. From detaining blacks for drug offenses than whites who are proven to sell and use drugs more than blacks. To even have a higher chance of being sentenced to prison than whites for similar crimes. It just doesn't stop there, being sentenced to prison does not seem to be enough for them but now they face longer sentences than whites for the same crime. This comes to show that yeah, they will send whites to prison, but their punishment will never be as harsh as the ones African Americans face today. If living in an area where crime seems to be everywhere that doesn’t seem to be enough of an issue that African Americans face in today’s world. They have to live in fear that they will be stopped for what is commonly known as “DWB” driving while black as an example this is a phrase that many have come to know. It now just has become a social norm that African Americans have become accustomed to avoiding police confrontation because they are scared of being accused of a crime and face similar fates to those that have been imprisoned. At the end of it, all African Americans are just a plain old target for the