
Aeneid Book 6 Part 1

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Aeneid Book 6 Part 1
across the boughs. As in the winter's cold, among the woods the mistletoe-no seed of where U grows-is green with new leaves, girdl11g the tapering stems with yellow fruit: just so the gold leaves seemed against the dark-green Hex; so, in the gentle wind, the thin gold leaf was crackling. And at once Aeneas plucks it and, eager, breaks the hesitating bough and carries it into the Sibyl's house.
Meanwhile along the shore the Teucrians were weeping for Misenus, offering their final tributes to his thankless ashes.
First they build high a giant pyre, rich . with pine and planks of oak. They interweave the sides with somber leaves, in front they set funeral cypresses; with gleaming weapons as ornament above. And some make ready hot water, caldrons bubbling on the Hames; they bathe and then anoint their friend's cold body.
Their lamentation is done, they place his limbs, wept on, across the bier; and over them, they throw his purple robes, familiar clothes.
Then some, as their sad office, raised the massive barrow and, in their fathers' manner, faces averted, set the firebrand below.
The offerings of frankincense and meats and bowls of flowing oil are heaped together and burned. The ashes sank, the Harne was still; they washed the remnants and the thirsty embers with wine; and Corynaeus hid the gathered bones in an urn of bronze. Three times he circled around his comrades with clear water, and with light spray from a fruitful olive bough, he sprinkled them and purified the Trojans and spoke the final words. Pious Aeneas sets up a mighty tomb above Misenus bearing his arms, a trumpet and an' oar; it stands beneath a lofty promontory, now known as Cape Misenus after him: it k· '"JS a name that lasts through all the ages.











This done, he now moves swiftly to fulfill all the commands and warnings of the Sibyl
There was a wide-mouthed cavern, deep and vast and rugged, sheltered by a shadowed lake and darkened groves; such vapor

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