He was wounded spiritually by the death of his best friend named Patroclus. The death of a close friend or relative can be worse than physical suffering; however, Achilles experienced both spiritual and physical wounds. He fought bravely during the war between the Greeks and Trojans; unfortunately, Paris killed Achilles later during the war. Along with Achilles, Hector experienced physical and spiritual pain. After Achilles killed Hector Achilles horribly disrespected Hector’s body by dragging it around behind Achilles’ chariot. At first Achilles refused to give Hector a proper burial, this is how Hector suffered spiritually. Even though Hector did eventually receive a proper burial, he still died fighting his brother’s battle resulting in him becoming a tragic hero. Beowulf became a tragic hero after suffering physically. Beowulf died trying to protect people from a killer dragon. All Beowulf’s warriors left him and refused to help him fight the dragon. Although Beowulf did kill the dragon, he was injured so badly that after he defeated the dragon he died. Lastly, Hamlet suffered physically and spiritually. Hamlet suffered spiritually because he lost his father and his mother married the man who killed Hamlet’s father. While trying to avenge the death of his father, Hamlet accidentally killed his lover Ophelia’s father. In the end Hamlet ultimately suffered physically because he died by the sword. The last characteristic of a tragic hero is that they have been faced with a very serious decision to
He was wounded spiritually by the death of his best friend named Patroclus. The death of a close friend or relative can be worse than physical suffering; however, Achilles experienced both spiritual and physical wounds. He fought bravely during the war between the Greeks and Trojans; unfortunately, Paris killed Achilles later during the war. Along with Achilles, Hector experienced physical and spiritual pain. After Achilles killed Hector Achilles horribly disrespected Hector’s body by dragging it around behind Achilles’ chariot. At first Achilles refused to give Hector a proper burial, this is how Hector suffered spiritually. Even though Hector did eventually receive a proper burial, he still died fighting his brother’s battle resulting in him becoming a tragic hero. Beowulf became a tragic hero after suffering physically. Beowulf died trying to protect people from a killer dragon. All Beowulf’s warriors left him and refused to help him fight the dragon. Although Beowulf did kill the dragon, he was injured so badly that after he defeated the dragon he died. Lastly, Hamlet suffered physically and spiritually. Hamlet suffered spiritually because he lost his father and his mother married the man who killed Hamlet’s father. While trying to avenge the death of his father, Hamlet accidentally killed his lover Ophelia’s father. In the end Hamlet ultimately suffered physically because he died by the sword. The last characteristic of a tragic hero is that they have been faced with a very serious decision to